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My Site Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I collect Sailor Moon stuff?
A: Yes, I do.

Q: Do you update often?
A: Yes, in fact I do. You can see the last update with the marquee on the main page.

Q: Is this your only site?
A: Nope, I have about 5 others. But, this one's my favorite!

Q: Can I take pix, backgrounds, and everything?
A: Yes, in fact you can. I am not Naoko Takeuchi. Therefore, feel free!

Q: Is it easy to maintain a site?
A: Yes, not at first. It takes a lot to get started. Then, just adding and updating is easy.

Q: Is there another anime you'd reccomend?
A: Well, for all ages, Pretty Sammy. It's really cute!

Q: How many episodes of SM have you seen?
A: All dubs, some Japanese, and all the movies. So, 3 movies, and about 150 episodes.

Q: Who's your fave senshi?
A: Sailor Jupiter for inner, Sailor Uranus for outer, Yaten for Starlights, and Chibi Chibi.

Q: Have you always loved anime?
A: No, not until recently. I used to despise, but now I love it!

Q: What's your thought on Neptune and Uranus?
A: They're in love and there's nothing wrong with it.