Moonie Obsession Test! (Don't Worry, A High Score's Not So Bad!) :)
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If you need to, e-mail me! Please, e-mail me with how obsessed with SM you are! Also, the submit buttons are at the top. So, when you're done scroll up! I may add more, but for now...

Name: *
E-mail: *
* Optional Have You Ever:

Yes No 1.Tried a transformation to see if it would work and make you a scout?
Yes No 2. Told your dream guy/girl that you were meant to be even during the reign of the moon kingdom?
Yes No 3. Learned Japanese just so you could buy straight Japanese SM movies-subtitles?
Yes No 4. Shaved a spot on your cats head (only so it'd be a crecent moon?)
Yes No 5. Called someone with odango hair Meatball Head?
Yes No 6. Called your cousin Small Lady and asked her what she did with Luna P?
Yes No 7. Tried talking to stray cats (using Luna or Artemis) to see id they'd give you magical powers?
Yes No 8. Looked at people in your class to see if they could be the "other" scouts?
Yes No 9. Gotten a 35 on a test just because Serena did?
Yes No 10. Went to the local arcade asking for a hunk(guy for you men out there) by the name of Andrew?
Yes No 11. Dressed up as a scout/Tuxedo Mask for fun?
Yes No 12. Dreamed you were a scout & were convinced you were one until you couldn't find your transformation pen?
Yes No 13. Gotten into a fight just to see if a strange aura would appear around you?
Yes No 14. Written a fan fic?
Yes No 15. Been obsessed with someone you'd never met? (in this case a scout!)
Yes No 16. Thought that any SM character was better looking than your current boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yes No 17. Tried sushi?
Yes No 18. Woke up in the morning screaming Moon Prism Power!?
Yes No 19. Called your mean teacher Nega Sleez (to her face)?
Yes No 20. Learned how to cook because Lita did?
Yes No 21. Gone to every anime place looking for those hard to find SM collectables??
Yes No 22. Put your cat to a computer to see if it would talk to it using passwords?
Yes No 23. Got bad vibes from the new kid?
Yes No 24. Known someone with the same strange glasses as Melvin (with the "dizzy" circles)?
Yes No 25. Called your friends chan (i.e. Tom Chan)?
Yes No 26. Answered the phone by saying Moshi Moshi (in America)?
Yes No 27. Gone to the food court only eating Japanese, because it was your native food (even though you never lived there)?
Yes No 28. Looked at the moon and dreamed of your "true" home?
Yes No 29. Had sudden flashbacks of old times on the moon during the Silver Millenium?
Yes No