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Usagi and Momaru, Lovers And Friends

There is a love that we perhaps can never understand, it is greater than any love on earth. That is, the love between the Earth Prince, Endymion, and the Moon Princess, Selenity. That is their former names.

Their love lasted from the Silver Millenium until now, and for long times to come.

Serena and Darien are their Earth names. Their Japansese names- Usagi and Mamoru. They have a child known as Rini or Chibi Usa. Meaning little Usagi.

Usagi and Mamoru are the perfect couple. However, when they didn't have their memories, they hated each other at first. Then, they realized of their love.

Mamoru was once brainwashed by Queen Beryl, but Usagi fixed that! Usagi had an undying love for Mamoru. So much so, that in their past life, after Mamoru died defending the Moon Kingdom, Usagi comitted suicide.

Mamoru was taken by Nehernia once as well, and Uagi went through everything to get to him! Seriously, she climbed through thorn bushes, and everyone else died trying to wake him up. :sigh:

There are many things that are mysteries. For example, their fights. And we can only imagine how Usagi felt after she and Momaru were engaged, only to find that he had died in a plane wreck (caused by Nephenia.)

Yes, they had their many moments. Another funny time was when Chibi Usa came down from the sky while Usagi and Momaru were kissing. We can only speculate as to how Chibi Usa feels. In one Super S episode, Chibi Usa thinks that Momaru is having an affair only to try and help Usagi out. Her dream was supposed to be sad, but the way it was drawn was funny. See, Momaru was moving his hand in a circle over this girl's head and Usagi was watching. Momaru looked kinda like a robot which scarred me for life.

No, we don't know how they braved much of this pain. Through spells, wrecks, and death do they part. Yet, they always seem to get back together. And Naoko went out with a bash after the Usagi and Momaru wedding. That was a sweet episode and Rei and her admitted to becoming best friends, but that's beside the point. I don't think that Usagi could have any better friends than the ones she has. And same for Momaru.