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Fuck you all!
Watch you fall,
Fuck you all!
Don't hear my call,
Fuckin DIE!
Sick of the Lie,
Fuckin DIE!

Time to see, What you made me,
You have Sowed, Now fukin Reap,
You want no pain, Yet call my name,
Slit your throat, I'm not to blame,
Time to bleed all you can bleed,
Make you Feel, Necrotic Creed,
Fill your brain with my smoke,
Sit and Laugh watch you choke!

Fuck you all!

Watch you fall,
Fuck You all!
Don't hear my call,
Fuckin DIE!
Sick of the lie,
Fuckin DIE!

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger,

Piss me off, cause I live longer,
Kill myself but I don't die,
Always FUCT, try after try,
Fuck the Hopes, Fuck the Dreams,
Making Love to pain and Screams,
The time will come for you to see,
Fearing Death, You Should fear ME!

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