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Long Island (Cablevision) Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first.

Cable systems listed: Brookhaven, East Hampton, Great Neck, Hauppage, Lynbrook, Riverhead, Woodbury.


 To                                  To
View Station                        View Station

  2  WCBS (CBS) New York City     | HIS  The History Channel
  4  WNBC (NBS) New York City     | H&G  Home & Garden Television
  5  WNYW (Fox) New York City     | HBO  Home Box Office
  7  WABC (ABC) New York City     | HSN  Home Shopping Network
  9  WWOR (UPN) Secaucus          | IFC  Independent Film Channel
 11  WPIX (WB) New York City      | TLC  The Learning Channel
 13  WNET (PBS) New York City     | LIF  Lifetime
 21  WLIW (PBS) Plainview         | MSG  Madison Square Garden Network
 31  WPXN (PAX) New York City     | TMC  The Movie Channel
 41  WXTV (UNI) Paterson          | MET  MSG Metro Guide
 47  WNJU (TEL) Newark            | MLC  MSG Metro Learning Center
 55  WLNY (Ind.) Riverhead        |      MSG Metro Weather and Traffic
A&E  A&E Network                  | MSN  MSNBC
ATV  AdulTVision (PPV)            |      MuchMusic
     America's Health Network     | MTV  Music Television
AMC  American Movie Classics      | TNN  The Nashville Network
BET  Black Entertainment TV       | N12  News 12 Long Island
BRV  Bravo                        | NIK  Nickelodeon
CSP  C-Span                       |      On Optimum TV/Cablevision
     C-Span 2                     | PPV1 Pay-Per-View 1
CNN  Cable News Network           | PPV2 Pay-Per-View 2
CAR  Cartoon Network              | PPV3 Pay-Per-View 3*
EYE  CBS Eye on People            | PPV4 Pay-Per-View 4*
MAX  Cinemax                      | PPV6 Pay-Per-View 6*
COM  Comedy Central               |      Pay-Per-View Listings
CNB  CNBC                         | PLAY Playboy TV
CRT  Court TV                     | Q2   Q2
DSC  Discovery Channel            | QVC  QVC
DIS  Disney Channel               | ROM  Romance Classics
E!   E! Entertainment Television  | SCI  Sci-Fi Channel
ENC  Encore                       | SHO  Showtime
ESN  ESPN                         | SH2  Showtime 2
ES2  ESPN 2                       | STZ  Starz
FLX  Flix                         | TBS  TBS SuperStation
TVF  Food Network                 |      Telicare
FAM  Fox Family Channel           | TNT  Turner Network Television
FNC  Fox News Channel             | USA  USA Network
FS   Fox Sports New York          |      ValueVision
FX   FX                           | VH1  VH1
GSN  Game Show Network            |      The Weather Channel
HB2  HBO2                         | WGN  WGN

* Not available in all areas.

Stations not included in the listings and program charts are indicated
by a blank space in the "To View" column.