Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first.
-Eugene- -Coos Bay- -Roseburg- 9 KEZI (ABC) 11 KCBY (CBS) 4 KPIC (CBS) 13 KVAL (CBS) 16 KMTR (NBC) -Corvallis- -Eureka, Cal.- -Portland- 7 KOAC (PBS) 3 KIEM (CBS, NBC) 6 KVIQ (ABC, NBC) 2 KATU (ABC) -Klamath Falls- 13 KEET (PBS) 6 KOIN (CBS) 8 KGW (NBC) 2 KOTI (NBC) -Redding- 12 KPTV (Ind.) -Medford- 7 KRCR (ABC, NBC) 5 KOBI (NBC) 8 KSYS (PBS) 10 KTVL (CBS) In addition to the listings herein, Chs. 7 and 8M schedule instructional programs throughout the broadcast day. ----------------------------- Cable/Pay-TV ----------------------------- ART Arts & Entertainment -Coos Bay- -Rogue Valley- Network CBN CBN Cable Network 10C (California) 2V (California) CNN Cable News Network 3V (Oregon) ESN ESPN -Grants Pass- 7V (Oregon) HBO Home Box Office NIK Nickelodeon 2G (California) -Roseburg- SHO Showtime 3G (Oregon) TBS WTBS (Atlanta; Ind.) 7G (Oregon) 2R (California) TVU KTVU (San Fran.; Ind.) 6R (Oregon) USA USA Network -Klamath Falls- 11R (Oregon) WGN WGN (Chicago; Ind.) 5K (Oregon) 6K (California) 11K (Oregon) Cable-box channel conversion for KTVU viewers: Coos Bay, dial channel 7C; all other areas, dial channel 13.BACK