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Time Warner-Manhattan Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first.


The following chart is a list of the local stations and cable services
offered by Time Warner Cable.  Most are included in the daily listings
and program charts.  Those that are not included in the edition are
indicated by a blank space in the "To View" column.  Those that are
included in the program charts but not included in the daily listings
are indicated by an asterisk.

There are some differences in the channel lineups, ordering instructions
and customer service operations between southern Manhattan and northern
Manhattan (formerly Paragon Cable).  See map on the next page.  The
differences are indicated by an "S" or an "N".

                            To Tune                              To Tune
Station                    View To   Station                    View To

A&E Network                A&E  16 | MSG Metro Guide            MMG  70
AdulTVision Pay-Per-View    63  63 | MSNBC                      MSN  43 
American Movie Classics    AMC  54 | MTV                        MTV  20
Animal Planet              AP   86 | The Nashville Network      TNN  72S
BET on Jazz*               JAZ  89 | New York 1 News           NY1 1/76S 
Black Entertainment Tel.   BET  42 | Nickelodeon                NIK   6
Bravo                      BRV  64 | Ovation (7 P.M.-7 A.M.)*   OV   87
C-SPAN                     CSP  38 | Playboy TV (7 P.M.-6 A.M.)*62S  62S
C-SPAN 2                   CS2  39 | Playboy TV (24 hrs.)*      62N  62N
Cartoon Network            CAR  22 | QVC*                       QVC  69
Cinemax                    MAX  33 | Sci-Fi Channel             SCI  44
CNBC                       CNB  15 | Showtime                   SHO  48
Cable News Network         CNN  10 | Starz!*                    STZ  92   
CNNfn/CNNI                      27 | TBS SuperStation           TBS   8
CNNSI*                          83 | Time Warner Home Theatre*   58  58
Comedy Central             COM  45 | Time Warner Home Theatre*   59  59
Court TV                   CRT  40 | Time Warner Home Theatre*   60  60
Crosswalks             71,73,74,93 | Time Warner Home Theatre*   61  61
CUNY-TV                    CNY  75 | The Travel Channel         TRV  72N
Discovery Channel          DSC  18 | Turner Classic Movies      TCM  82
Discovery People*          PEO  88 | Turner Network Television  TNT   3
Disney Channel             DIS  66 | The TV Guide Channel       TVG  51
E! Entertainment Tel.      E!   24 | TV Land*                   TVL  85
ESPN                       ESN  28 | TV-Japan (6 A.M.-1 P.M.)        62S
ESPN2                      ES2  29 | USA Network                USA  23
ESPN Classic*              ECL  84 | ValueVision*               VV   30S
Food Network               TVF  50 | VH1                        VH1  19
Fox Family Channel         FAM  14 | WAM! (7 A.M.-7 P.M.)            87
Fox News Channel           FNC  46 | The Weather Channel*       WEA  36
Fox Sports                 FS   26 | WABC (ABC) New York City     7   7
Galavision                 GAL  53 | WCBS (CBS) New York City     2   2
Headline News*             HLN  37 | WHSE (HSN) Newark, NJ*      68  68
The History Channel        HIS  17 | WLIW (PBS) Long Island      21  21
HBO                        HBO  32 | WLNY (Ind.) Riverhead       55  55
HBO Plus*                  HBOP 90 | WMBC (Ind.) Newton, NJ*     63  65
Independent Film Channel*  IFC  81 | WNBC (NBC) New York City     4   4
Knowledge TV                    25S| WNET (PBS) New York City    13  13
The Learning Channel       TLC  52 | WNJU (TEL) New York City    47  47
Leased Access                   35 | WNYE (PBS) New York City    25  25
Lifetime                   LIF  12 | WNYW (Fox) New York City     5   5 
Madison Sq. Garden Net.    MSG  27 | WPIX (WB) New York City     11  11
Manh. Nghbrhd. Net. MNN 34,56,57,67| WPXN (PAX) New York City    31  31
MoreMax                    MMX  91 | WWOR (UPN) New York City     9   9
The Movie Channel          TMC  49 | WXTV (UNI) Paterson, NJ     41  41

* For users of this edition, northern and southern Manhattan are divided
on the East Side at 86th Street and on the West Side at 79th Street.
References to northern Manhattan (N) and southern Manhattan (S) are
used throughout the edition.


The following chart is a list of the local stations and cable services
offered by Time Warner Cable.  Most are included in the daily listings
and program charts.  Those that are not included in the edition are
indicated by a blank space in the "To View" column.  Those that are
included in the program charts but not included in the daily listings
are indicated by an asterisk.

There are some differences in the channel lineups, ordering instructions
and customer service operations between southern Manhattan and northern
Manhattan (formerly Paragon Cable).  See map on the next page.  The
differences are indicated by an "S" or an "N".

                            To Tune                              To Tune
Station                    View To   Station                    View To

A&E Network                A&E  14 | MTV (Music Television)     MTV  20
AdulTVision Pay-Per-View    63  63 | The Nashville Network*     TNN  72S
American Movie Classics    AMC  46 | New York 1 News*          NY1 1/76S
Black Entertainment Tel.   BET  42 | Nickelodeon                NIK   6
Bravo                      BRV  64 | Odyssey*                   ODY  10
C-SPAN                     CSP  38 | Playboy TV (8 P.M.-6 A.M.)*62S  62S
C-SPAN 2                   CS2  39 | Playboy TV (24 hrs.)*      62N  62N
Cartoon Network            CAR  67 | Prevue Guide*              PRV  40
Cinemax                    MAX  29 | QVC*                       QVC  69
CNBC                       CNB  15 | The Sci-Fi Channel         SCI  44
Cable News Network         CNN  10 | Showtime                   SHO  37
CNNfn/CNNI                      32 | TBS SuperStation           TBS  22
Comedy Central             COM  45 | Time Warner Home Theatre    58  58
Court TV                   CRT  51 | Time Warner Home Theatre    59  59
Crosswalks                71,73,74 | Time Warner Home Theatre    60  60
CUNY-TV                    CNY  75 | Time Warner Home Theatre    61  61
The Discovery Channel      DSC  18 | The Travel Channel*        TRV  72N
The Disney Channel         DIS  33 | Turner Network Television  TNT   3
E! Entertainment TV        E!   24 | TV-Japan (6 A.M.-8 P.M.)        62
ESPN                       ESN   8 | USA Network                USA  23
ESPN2                      ES2  48 | ValueVision*               VV   30S
The Family Channel         FAM  56 | VH1                        VH1  19
Food Network               TVF  50 | The Weather Channel*       WEA  36
Fox News Channel           FNC  46 | WABC (ABC) New York City     7   7
Fox Sports                 FS   26 | WCBS (CBS) New York City     2   2
Galavision                 GAL  53 | WHSE (HSN) Newark, NJ*      68  68
Headline News*             HLN  27 | WLIW (PBS) Long Island      21  21
The History Channel        HIS  17 | WLNY (Ind.) Riverhead       55  55
Home Box Office            HBO  28 | WMBC (Ind.) Newton, NJ*     63  65
Knowledge TV                    25S| WNBC (NBC) New York City     4   4
The Learning Channel       TLC  52 | WNET (PBS) New York City    13  13
Leased Access                   35 | WNJU (TEL) New York City    47  47
Lifetime                   LIF  12 | WNYE (PBS) New York City    25  25
Madison Square Garden Net. MSG  32 | WNYW (Fox) New York City     5   5
Manhattan Neighborh.Net 16,34,56,57| WPIX (WB) New York City     11  11
The Movie Channel          TMC  49 | WPXN (Ind.) New York City   31  31
MSG II*                    MS2  30N| WWOR (UPN) New York City     9   9
MSNBC                      MSN  43 | WXTV (UNI) Paterson, NJ     41  41

* For users of this edition, northern and southern Manhattan are divided
on the East Side at 86th Street and on the West Side at 79th Street.
References to northern Manhattan (N) and southern Manhattan (S) are
used throughout the edition.


The following chart is a list of the local stations and cable services
offered by Time Warner Cable of New York City.  Most are included in
the daily listings and program charts.  Those that are not included in
the edition are indicated by a blank space in the "To View" column.

There are differences in the channel lineups, ordering instructions and
customer service operations between southern Manhattan and northern
Manhattan (formerly Paragon Cable).  See map on the next page.  The
differences are indicated by an "S" or an "N".

                            To Tune                              To Tune
Station                    View To   Station                    View To

A&E Network                A&E  14 | New York 1 News            NY11/76S
AdulTVision Pay-Per-View    63  63 | Nickelodeon                NIK   6
American Movie Classics    AMC  46 | Odyssey*                   ODY  10
Black Entertainment Tel.   BET  42 | Playboy TV (8 P.M.-6 A.M.)*62S  62S
Bravo                      BRV  64 | Playboy TV (24 hrs.)*      62N  62N
C-SPAN                     CSP  38 | Prevue Guide*              PRV  40
C-SPAN 2                   CS2  39 | QVC*                       QVC  57
Cartoon Network            CAR  67 | The Sci-Fi Channel         SCI  44
Cinemax                    MAX  29 | Showtime                   SHO  37
CNBC                       CNB  15 | SportsChannel              SC   26
Cable News Network         CNN  10 | TBS SuperStation           TBS  22
CNNfn/CNNI                      32 | Time Warner Home Theatre    58  58
Comedy Central             COM  45 | Time Warner Home Theatre    59  59
Court TV                   CRT  51 | Time Warner Home Theatre    60  60
Crosswalks                   71-74 | Time Warner Home Theatre    61  61
CUNY-TV                    CNY  75 | The Travel Channel*        TRV  43N
The Discovery Channel      DSC  18 | Turner Network Television  TNT   3
The Disney Channel         DIS  33 | TV Food Network            TVF  50
E! Entertainment TV        E!   24 | TV-Japan (6 A.M.-8 P.M.)        62
ESPN                       ESN   8 | USA Network                USA  23
ESPN2                      ES2  48 | ValueVision*               VV   30S
The Family Channel         FAM  56 | VH1                        VH1  19
Galavision                 GAL  53 | The Weather Channel*       WEA  36
Headline News*             HLN  27 | WABC (ABC) New York City     7   7
The History Channel        HIS  66 | WBIS (Ind.) New York City   31  31
Home Box Office            HBO  28 | WCBS (CBS) New York City     2   2
Knowledge TV                    25S| WHSE (HSN) Newark, NJ*      68  68
The Learning Channel       TLC  52 | WLIW (PBS) Long Island      21  21
Leased Access                   35 | WLNY (Ind.) Riverhead       55  55
Lifetime                   LIF  12 | WMBC (Ind.) Newton, NJ*     63  65
Madison Square Garden Net. MSG  32 | WNBC (NBC) New York City     4   4
Manhattan Neighborh.Net 16,17,34,69| WNET (PBS) New York City    13  13
The Movie Channel          TMC  49 | WNJU (TEL) New York City    47  47
MSG II*                    MS2  30N| WNYE (PBS) New York City    25  25
MSG II*                    MS2  40S| WNYW (Fox) New York City     5   5
MSNBC                      MSN  54 | WPIX (WB) New York City     11  11
MTV (Music Television)     MTV  20 | WWOR (UPN) New York City     9   9
The Nashville Network*     TNN  43S| WXTV (UNI) Paterson, NJ     41  41

* For users of this edition, northern and southern Manhattan are divided
on the East Side at 86th Street and on the West Side at 79th Street.
References to northern Manhattan (N) and southern Manhattan (S) are
used throughout the edition.