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USSB Mountain Edition

Channel listings are in chronological order, newest first.


The following charts are lists of the program services available to
USSB customers.  Most of them are included in the daily listings and
evening program grids.  The few that are not are indicated by a
blank space in the "To View" column.


                         Tune  To                             Tune  To
Station                   To  View   Station                   To  View

Special Events           900,905   | Home Box Office 3        912  HBO3 
All News Channel         963  ANC  | Home Box Office Family E 916  HBOF 
Cinemax East             930  MAX  | Home Box Office Family W 917  HBFW 
Cinemax West             932  MAXW | Showtime East            920  SHO   
Cinemax 2                931  MAX2 | Showtime Extreme         925  EXTR
Flix                     929  FLIX | Showtime West            923  SHOW
FXM: Movies from Fox     960  FXM  | Showtime 2               921  SHO2
Home Box Office East     910  HBO  | Showtime 3               922  SHO3
Home Box Office West     913  HBOW | The Sundance Channel     945  SUND
Home Box Office 2 East   911  HBO2 | The Movie Channel East   940  TMC
Home Box Office 2 West   914  HB2W | The Movie Channel West   941  TMCW

                          Other DSS Channels

                         Tune  To                             Tune  To
Station                   To  View   Station                   To  View

A&E Network              240  A&E  | Fox Sports Southwest     325       
ABC West: KOMO Seattle   296  ABCW | Fox Sports West          331       
ABC: WKRN Nashville*     295  ABC  | Fox Sports West 2        332
Adult Channels           400-401   | Game Show Network        257
American Movie Classics  220  AMC  | The Golf Channel         304  GOLF
America's Health Network 289  AHN  | Headline News            204
Animal Planet            248  AP   | The History Channel      241  HIST
Black Entertainment Tel. 268  BET  | Home & Garden Television 214  HGTV 
Bloomberg Information TV 274       | Home Shopping Network    213  HSN
Bravo                    238  BRAV | Home Team Sports         316
C-SPAN                   271  CSP  | Independent Film Channel 239  IFC  
C-SPAN 2                 272       | The Learning Channel     246  TLC
Cable News Network       202  CNN  | Lifetime                 252  LIF
Cable News Network Int'l 281  CNNI | Madison Square Garden    310
Cartoon Network          247  CAR  | Midwest Sports Channel   324
CBS Eye on People        280       | MSNBC                    276  MSN
CBS West: KPIX San Fran. 291  CBSW | Music Television         264  MTV
CBS: WSEE Erie*          290  CBS  | M2: Music Television     265 
Classic Sports Network   305  CSN  | MuchMusic Television     269
CNBC                     275  CNBC | Music Choice             501-531
Comedy Central           255  COM  | The Nashville Network    262  TNN
Country Music Television 263       | NBC West: KNBC Los Ang.  293  NBCW
Court TV                 203  CRT  | NBC: WNBC New York*      292  NBC
The Discovery Channel    245  DSC  | New England Sports Net.  311 
The Disney Channel East  242  DIS  | Newsworld International  279  NWI
The Disney Channel West  243  DISW | Nickelodeon East         249  NIK
E! Entertainment Tel.    217  E!   | Nickelodeon West         250
Empire Sports Network    313       | Outdoor Life             307  OL
Encore East              230  ENC  | Pay-Per-View Movies      100-199
Encore West              231  ENCW | PBS                      294  PBS
Encore 5: Action         235  ACTN | Playboy TV               402  PLAY
Encore 2: Love Stories   232  LOVE | QVC Network              261  QVC
Encore 4: Mysteries      234  MYST | Romance Classics         222  ROM 
Encore 6: True St./Drama 236  TRUE | Sci-Fi Channel           254  SCI
Encore 7: WAM!           237  WAM! | SpeedVision              306  SV
Encore 3: Westerns       233  WEST | Sports/Events Calendar   300-302
ESPN                     206  ESPN | Sports Packages          339-399
ESPN2                    208  ESP2 | SportsChannel (Florida)  319
ESPNews                  207       | Starz East               225  STZ
The Family Channel       258  FAM  | Starz West               226  STZW
FoxNet                   297  FOX  | Starz 2 East             227  STZ2
Fox News Channel         278  FNC  | Starz 2 West             228  ST2W
Fox Sports Arizona       329  FSAZ | Sunshine Net. (Florida)  318   
Fox Sports Bay Area      333       | TBS SuperStation         259  TBS
Fox Sports Chicago       323       | Trinity Broadc. Network  286  TBN
Fox Sports Cincinnati    322       | Trio                     260  TRIO
Fox Sports Detroit       320       | Turner Classic Movies    221  TCM
Fox Sports Midwest       327  FSM  | Turner Network Televis.  212  TNT
Fox Sports New England   309       | TV Food Network          215  TVF
Fox Sports New York      312       | TV Land                  251  TVLD
Fox Sports Northwest     330       | USA Network              253  USA
Fox Sports Ohio          321       | VH1                      266  VH1
Fox Sports Pittsburgh    315       | The Weather Channel      277
Fox Sports Rocky Mtn.    326  FSRM | WGN                      256  WGN
Fox Sports South         317       | 

* Listed in program grids only