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A Psalm

All-knowledge. All-presence. All-power. All-love. All-justice.

Merely human words.

For the All-Creator. All-Sustainer. All-Savior.

You have power over all my being. Your knowledge encompasses every aspect of my existence. All that I was, and am, and ever will be is established before all of Your presence. How can I hope to resist and hide from You? All my eternity is sealed in You. How much more can You be? All of a lifetime could never begin to fathom all of Your depths. You alone are all-deserving of all praise and all honor and all glory. These mere words have no meaning when placed anywhere else but at Your feet.

All-worthy. All-valuable. All-consuming.

You are my obsession. How else should my devotion be to You? Nothing else can satisfy. You are the sole source of all true happiness and all true pleasure. I am too easily pleased when I pursue anything other than You. Nothing else can compare to having You. You know this. You are my desired one, my rare and precious treasure!

All-goodness. All-righteousness. All-holiness.

As much as my human mind can conceive, may I think upon all of You. May I hate all sin, starting with my own. May I love all forgiveness, starting in my own life. Captivate all of my thoughts, for You are the only one worthy of occupying the minds of all Your creatures. All else is worthless, valueless, and a chasing after the wind.

All-grace. All-mercy. All-peace.

Merely human words.

From all Your child to all my God.

written by Ben Brick

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