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Development of Choice

The poem, Choice, began as a scene that I had written for possible usage later in a story, possibily being worked into the My Notebook Character storyline. Below is the original scene that had been written in the late 1980s.

Well, during my Creative Writing class, I decided to try and rework this scene into a poem. The first draft of this poem is provided below. It was when I was reworking this first draft that the poem, Choice, appeared.

Stepping out into the bright sun
A hazy cloud of dust settles
upon the bloody ground
    of the arena.
The crowd chanting wildly
a fevered pitch growing
    in the air.
A lone figure stands alone
Limp, battered, weary,
This person stands victorious
    awaiting death
he faces the coming
of the ravenous beast
holding his fate in its teeth
Like those before him,
and those after him
Throw the Christian to the lions
    is a way of life
Intolerance of others, and
    pushing of beliefs
social injustice
demands punishment
    of the Christian
With hope unearthly
and fear vanquished

In the initial reworking of this draft, the first line was moved under the seventh line, "in the air." Also the eleventh and twelth lines were moved to the very end of the poem. After having done this, an attempt was made to shorten the poem. The idea of changing the subject of the poem began to form. The second draft of the poem is given below. The working title for this draft was Gladiator, M.D.

A hazy cloud of dust settles
  upon the bloody ground
    of the arena.
Another victim vanquished
  defeated by the
  murderous hands
    of a surgeon

At this point, the words "dust" and "ground" became out of place and were changed. Then the title seemed unwieldy and was also changed to fit the tightly crafted poem that had formed. The final product looked nothing like where the project had begun, but the process was very revealing of how the creative process can work in poetry.

written by Ben Brick

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