Amandon: vt; to leave one's place of employment for long periods of time, and then return and act like one was never gone in the first place. added 2000
Benbumptious: adj; presumptuously, insensitively, and always noisily self-assertive. Cheekily bumptious.
Bendigestion: n; the inability to swallow a comment.
Benism: n; the fine art of procrastination.
Billian: adj; of or like Bill. Impish and perversely philosophical.
Blackstone's Irritation: n; a condition caused by the annoying clickety-clack of computer terminal keys and marked by a desire to cut off the offending fingers.
Boo Boo: n; a loved one, i.e. dear.
Boohonkey: int; an exclamation of extreme irritation.
Ce'enen Junkie: n; a person who neglects all areas of life to devote themselves solely to the viewing of news during a national crisis, e.g. the Gulf War.
Chairwear: n; the holes in the carpet created by chairs.
Chuckulation: n; the act of saying that one is quitting one's job when in reality one does not.
Chuckulate: vt; to say one is quitting when in reality one does not.
Circumquest: n; the act of asking a question, or seeking out knowledge, in a roundabout way.
Cleptosnigletism: n; 1. the act of stealing someone else's sniglet. 2. the act of making up words, in a sniglet fashion, and calling them by one's own made-up name.
Debbutt: adj; large and billowy.
Debrazen: adj; 1. having a harsh, irritating sound. 2. marked by tactless and crass insolence.
Decimester: n; one of ten equeal divisions comprising of a period of one year.
Esser: n; one who knowing the drudgery of library work, desires to attend library school for inexplicable reasons.
Falbocaphobia: n; the fear of books falling upon one's head, usually in a library.
Glome: n; a substantive being who glows with youth and health.
Gossiphile: n; one who delights in spreading or creating gossip.
Hombrosis: n; 1. a condition caused by the constant presence of a nosy person. 2. the feeling that someone is looking over your shoulder.
Hux: vt; to run out of things to do.
Ienemjayitis: n; a state of lethargy, symptoms include refusal to do assigned work and a lackadaisical attitude. Also spelled: INMJitis.
Kaiatic: adj; repeatedly absent.
Laferlate: vt; to assassinate another's character because of one's own paranoiah.
Languistics: n; the study of leisure.
Lisappy: adj; foolishly and immaturely sentimental. Extremely lacking in good sense. Overly sappy.
Lisation: n; the act of procrastination for an extremely long period of time.
Marene: vt; to remind another person(s) of one's own birthday.
Marenic: adj; a descriptive term for one who marenes.
Martincikness: n; a virus that affects the minds of those who are near a person(s) who is(are) in the Tiffany Zone.
Mrowr-pht-pht: int; an exclamation of extreme irkedness.
Murphidoc: n; a pamphlet or document that always happens to be missing when a person is looking for it.
Nardy: adj; a descriptive term for one who feels nervous, apologetic, retarded, dorky, and yucky.
Nicqueey: n; any part of a book jacket cover that extends beyond the edge of the book jacket. Also known as: Nicqueey Edge.
Pagenetics: n; the answers to librarian's questions that usually only a library page can answer.
Piericalitis: n; a psychological disorder caused by excessive exposure to periodicals. Symptoms include paper cuts on fingers, glazed-over eyes, and a maniacal urge to put everything in chronological order.
Pig Narble: n; one who irritates others.
Post-Modern Societal Depression Syndrome: n; a condition that is recognized by symptoms of frustration, disillusionment, antisocial behavior, and a belief that everything is an act of conspiracy.
Pud: int; an exclamation of frustration.
Recycliac: n; one who has an insatiable desire to recycle any discarded item.
Renacious: adj; pugnaciously and sarcastically insolent to the point of belligerence.
Renater: vt; to procrastinate on a time schedule.
Roblab: n; a conversation, usually one-sided, where the woes of the speaker are expressed.
Stafftracks: n; the scuff marks in a carpet created by the act of walking.
Stelanfoder: n; one who steals food off another's plate.
Stephane: vt; 1. to attribute overly great amounts of value to someone, i.e. overestimate a person's worth. 2. to be mushily attached to another person, losing the ability to see that person's shortcomings.
Surveyitis: n; a debilitating disorder that recurs approximately every hour.
Surveymath: n; the debris left behind by people in a library.
Susanitis: n; a disorder characterized by initiating several tasks at once and finishing none of them, and constantly losing track of what one is doing.
Texahedron: n; a many-sided object in the shape of the state of Texas.
Tiffanic: adj; a descriptive term for a person displaying violent, misandric behavior.
Tiffany Zone: n; a place slightly below the gutter where a libidinous mind is said to reside.
Toninny: n; a lazy, self-absorbed, and troublesome individual.
Torst: vt; 1. to claim superiority over one's superiors. 2. to rudely question authority.
Trist: vt; to not do one's own job, causing someone else to do it instead.
Tristalust: n; a constant belief that members of the opposite sex are looking at one's self for the express purpose of sex or other material gain. Also known as Illusionary Tristalust.
Tweenie: n; one who vacillates between positions or decisions.
Twimac: n; the person to whom "to whom it may concern" refers to.
Veemat: n; one who commits criminal acts with the sanction of a government office or official.
Vidshit: n; one who vidshunates.
Vidshunate: vt; to avoid shelving videos.
Vidshunation: n; the act of avoiding shelving videos.
written by Ben Brick, Renee McArthur, Lisa Martincik, and other BST staff members