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Forest girl

Two eyes appeared from behind a rock, and soon after a face materialized as it moved up far enough to catch the speckled sunlight that filtered down through the canopy of trees above. It was a soft, round face; darkened by dirt and sweat. Long blond air, tangled with cockleburs and small twigs, adorned this face of a small girl. Her eyes were a bright, emerald green, wide with fear. Her small mouth hung open, as she gasped heavily. She had been running, running from something. But as she turned and scanned the forest behind her, there was nothing save for a few crows that chased one another through the leafy branches of the trees. Their raucous cawing echoed emptily through the forest. Everything seemed to be normal, except for the little girl, dressed in grayish rags that hung limply on her frail form.

She continued on, walking through the thick underbrush.

written by Ben Brick

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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