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It makes me think of
city streets and buildings
    New York City
    or Los Angeles
It is a mid-day color
or late morning
It is downtown
on a Sunday morning
Everyone is either sleeping
or at church services
It has just rained and
the sky is still overcast
The smell of car exhaust
is still around from
the previous week
It is neither hot
nor is it cold
The wet asphalt is full
of cracks with small green
and brown weeds poking through
The buildings are shades
of gray and dirty white
The windows reflect the low
clouds passing by overhead
Pigeons are cooing
and flying about
The parking lots are empty,
and the black tar in the
cracks of the concrete
is wet and soft,
giving off its pungent odor
The streets are wet, colored
with greasy, oily rainbows
running down the curbs

written by Ben Brick

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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