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"Stop the Killing!"

This is not a matter of convenience, politics, or sex. It is a moral issue of life. Mankind was ashamed by the deaths in Vietnam and abhorred by the bloodshed in the Holocaust. But why are we so ecstatic about the murder on the operating table. We are not God. We do not have the sovereign right to kill another human being whatever the reason. If God was willing to die so that we would not have to, how can we slaughter people out of want. He loved us, why can't we love us. He knows what we have done and offers us forgiveness. All we need to do is believe, accepting the free gift of forgiveness. We are drowning in our own mire of sin and Jesus Christ is reaching out His hand to save us. Why won't we take His hand? Why do we push away, only to sin deeper?

What if it had been you who was murdered in the name of convenience? What if it was you who was aborted? Would you want this done to you? Remember the Golden Rule! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There is a human being in the womb. There is no doubt about it. No gorilla or chimpanzee is going to come out of the birth canal, but a human being. If life is sacred, then we are the most unholy creatures alive because we want to snuff life out before it had a chance to be experienced.

Humanity will not destroy itself with nuclear war or AIDS, but by selfishness. We desire to destroy the only hope of survival, our children. The little baby inside the womb holds tomorrow in her or his tiny, fragile little hands. As for rape and incest, let's stop the cause, not the effect. Let's crack down on the perverts that we protect, not the helpless children who had nothing to do with their procreation. Jesus loves the little children» and He will deal harshly with those who cause them to sin. How much harsher do you think He will deal with those who murder the little children? We are a depraved society. We must repent of our sins before the Sovereign Holy God who made us. We must call on the name of His Son Jesus Christ to receive forgiveness and salvation from our sins. Don't remove the effects of your sins, but remove the sin from your life. The child is not the problem. The problem is the sin that resulted with the child.

written by Ben Brick

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