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BST Stench Factor Chart

Stench Factor:

Low Level

Mid Level

High Level

Free-floating Stench Factors are left by high-level Stench Factors and can last for a very long time.

Permeating Stench Factors are usually accumulations of reduced Free-floaters and are usually low-level.

BST Stench Code:
A - Alcohol G - Intestinal Gas T - Plumbing-related
B - Body Odor H - Home Improvement/Paint U - Unidentified
C - Cleaning Solutions M - Grease/Mechanical V - Vagrant-associated
D - Dog or Other Animal P - Perfume/Cologne (usually combines A, B,
E - Excrement S - Smoking-related E with maybe D or G)

written by Ben Brick, Renee McArthur, Lisa Martincik, and other BST staff members

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