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These are 3 steps taken from Psalm 1 to help you pursue God's will

    Examine your life:
    Who or what is guiding your decisions, shaping your lifestyle? Are you pursuing the wicked, progressing down their dark path? Or are you seeking after godly direction? Maybe there are some things you need to change in your life.
    Establish godly influences in your life:
    Is there a fellow Christian with whom you can develop a level of accountability? Being able to share with someone your struggles and have that person pray for you significantly enhances your ability to overcome those struggles. It is much easier to pursue God's will with the encouragement of others.
    Enter into a regular habitof reading the Bible:
    There are various programs available. They range from a simple devotion, like the Daily Bread, to a more involved study, like the Bible Study Fellowship. There are Bibles for busy schedules, and even audio cassette recordings of the Bible for those who do not have the time or the ability to sit and read the Bible. But whatever you choose to do, make the Bible a regular, habitual part of your life.

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