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What judgment is this?

At no time, neither present nor future, will the wicked be able to stand up to the same scrutiny and judgment of character that the righteous are able to stand. This includes God's view, and judgment, of the wicked today. It definitely refers to the judgment that the wicked will face at the throne of God on Judgment Day. The amazing thing is that Christians, the righteous, by themselves could not stand in this judgment either. It is only because they are trusting Jesus Christ alone as their Savior that they will be able to stand. A part of the salvation believers receive freely from God is Christ's righteousness before God. When God judges the believer, the Christian, He sees the righteousness of Christ covering that believer, not the actions of the believer. Only because of Jesus Christ can anyone stand in the judgment. It only takes faith. If you have any questions about this, check out the Gospel or e-mail me.

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