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Paul May as The Master of Time

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"For here in the world of EFX, love never dies.
It goes on forever. For if you truly love someone you do for all time.
And now welcome to my realm of dreams, where I am Time."

...... Master of Time

Master of Time
Photo credit : Peter Gelbo

M of Time 19       The fourth and final part of the journey is led by the Master of Time (Paul May). This master is able to control time and proves it right there on stage.
      In this act you get to take a trip into the pages of the story of H.G. Wells and his magnificent time machine. This act starts out with you listening to a lecture on time travel, but not to worry cause this lecture doesn't last too long. M of T 14
M of T 21 Next thing you know you are traveling forward through time. Be sure to have your 3D glasses ready cause you don't want to miss this 3D trip!
      All too soon the trip is over and you find yourself in the future when the human race has "deteriorated". The theater really heats up as fire and smoke burn across the stage. And if action is what you're craving then the fight with the "Morlocks" is right up your alley. And fighting the Morlocks is no easy matter as HG Wells soon discovers. M of T 20
M of T 24       Listen to a great primal beat and watch as he rescues the girl to save the day. Then come back down to earth and the present so the show can finish up. Paul is a very funny guy who teaches you "Love is a River in Time". Paul has a great character and a wonderful personality topped off with a terrific singing voice. And as many of the ladies will say he has some great looks too!
M of T 16       Paul started the show when David Cassidy was the star and has stayed with the show ever since. In David's show Paul was the full of himself master whom you couldn't help but laugh at. If you ever saw David's show you will recall "Canary Boy" and his wonderful time suit. Paul was the guy who was funny even though he didn't mean to be.
      Now in Tommy's show Paul takes a bit more serious role as he does his character. Paul shows a whole new character now and it's hard to believe it is the same guy. But believe me funny or serious Paul May IS the Master of Time! M of T 15

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