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Michael Heart

Michael James Heart *Heart is a stage name Mike adopted at 17 and legally changed to at 21.*age: 25 Mike is a happy, joking kind of guy. He likes to tease and make people laugh, but he also has a softer, sweet side that doesn't come out too often, as it usually embarasses him or gets him into trouble. He's never had much luck in romantic relationships- it's not that he can't get the girls, it's that he has a bit of trouble committing to them. He has a little Spanish ancestry, but doesn't speak the language very well. His best friend is another Broadway actress named Viviana Fuerte, with whom he shares an apartment (they are not romantically involved, which is the only reason that arrangement works). His birthday is October 31. Mike has black hair, tan skin, and deep brown eyes that are usually full of barely-concealed laughter. He doesn't smoke but has been known to indulge in weekend pub trips with his friends. He has two secrets- a pet and a tattoo- that no one in the cast knows about (so far). He loves playing the evil, secretive Mystery Cat Macavity and often stalks around, in character if not in costume, just seeing whom he can freak out. As for getting into show-biz, it was pretty much an accident for Mike. When Vi dropped out of the SAB and started making Broadway audition rounds, he got roped into going along for moral support- and started getting parts! That's the whole story. *g*

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