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Angelina Garcia

Personal Stuff

Angie's a thrill seeker. She has a fire tattoo on her chest and an indian tattoo on her right arm. Very recently, she pierced her eyebrow, and just got blue highlights in her hair. But secretley, she's very closterphobic. I mean...VERY, EXTREAMLY closterphobic. She freaks out, and just in case, she carries tranquilizer pills with her, all the time. She has a small scar on her neck from a...well a small mishap. She doesn't like to talk about it but, when she was in collage, she had a very abusive boyfriend. It even got to the point where she attempted suicide. She decided to dump him, but he couldn't handle it. They got into a fight, and he pulled a knife on her. The campus security got there before anything could happen, but that explains the small scar on her neck. She lives in a small but comfortable appartment, and has lots of fun, but hates drinking. Thanks and cudos to Dorothy for drawing my pic. Luvs!

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