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Written for & Dedicated to
Stacy Higginbotham
© 1994 Dee Miller

This was recorded in church with Piano player Joann Smith and bass guitar Terry Smith

Through the Storms of my Life
The Worlds Heartaches and it's Strife
You are Near
When I Feel the Pain the Most
I Need Someone to Hold Me Close
Lord, You're Here.

Through the Darkness, I May Fall
Still, There's a Purpose for it All
Shown in Your Time
You Will Turn my Life Around
And it's Your Glory to be Found,
Lord, not Mine.

God, I Thank You for the Strength You are Building up in Me
I Know Your Perfect Love will bring me Through
And I Need Only to Look up, Follow Your Light, and I will See
I am not Alone, For I'm never Without You

If I see a Friend in Need
And on Your Name I hear him Plead
Lord, I know
How my Trials Brought me to
The Witness I must be for You
And to Grow

Place Your Tender Love inside
Make my Life Show You Abide
And You Care
Use the Works that You Have Done
With Your Grace, Tell This Someone,
Lord, You're There.

God, I Thank You for the Strength You are Building up in Me
I Know Your Perfect Love will bring me Through
And I Need Only to Look up, Follow Your Light, and I will See
I am not Alone, For I'm never Without You

God, I Thank You for the Strength You are Building up in Me
I Know Your Perfect Love will bring me Through
And I Need Only to Look up, Follow Your Light, and I will See
I am not Alone, For I'm never Without You

I'm Not Alone

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