Warning: this page does not contain any pictures. It does contain however some useful tips on how to construct a functional, fast, and maintainable web site. |
What? You're still reading? I guess you're not the average web surfer.
This page is a part of the John Kocinski fan page. But this paragraph is the only place where you'll find his name in this page. Because from now on I will only talk about web site creation and maintenance. In the first couple of sections I will give general advice on what to do and especially what not to do when creating a web site. Next, I am going to introduce a tool you very well may never have heard of. It's m4, a so-called macro processor. I will show you the basic functionalities of m4 first. Later on I will demonstrate how to use m4´s power to create a web site. To be continued... |
Last updated: 25 February 2001
E-mail: sander_de_jong@yahoo.com |