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*Remember to replace ( or ) with < or >*

What kind of nerd are you?

If you are an astronomy nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are a biology nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are a chemistry nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are a history nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are a writing nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are a reading nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are an art nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are a computer nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are an drama nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)

If you are a physics nerd, add the code
(a href="")(img src="")(/a)