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Big Daddy

Asphault-After the disappointingly unfunny "Waterboy" I entered this movie with very low expectations. After five minutes, They quickly dissolved. This movie, rather than assuming we'll laugh at people getting tackled over and over and over, goes back to "Billy Madison" and "Happy Gilmore" style humor and uses more than three jokes. The plot, which has little relevance to the entertainment value, consists of an lazy unemployed man who adopts a kid to impress his girlfriend on the verge of leaving him. While many jokes are repeated, this time they are funny and plentiful. While a few jokes are annoying (specifically a shameless Mcdonalds product placement) and a courtroom scene at the end that takes itself a little too seriously, this movie provides more entertainment and laughs than any other comedy I've seen this summer. Rob Schneider and Steve Buscemi appear in funny cameos.