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Our Meager collection of Slayers Linkz.

Mystix: *Ahem* Hello, and welcome to the linkz page.

*She sees you looking around*

Stri isn't here, this is -my- linkz. She does other stuff. But this page is MINE! MUA-Ha-Ha-HA!!! Uh, -any-way......

Some links have reviews, some don't. Either Stri or myself have been to the links on this page, but we don't have time to review every single page. If you would like a link, copy and paste the information at the bottom of the page into an E-mail message. I tried a for, but it didn't work. If you have any info on forms, please help me! I'm oncompetent!!

Anipike ~Anime Web Turnpike, the ultimate Anime reference place.

Slayers Outrages ~A site run by a friend of mine. Has Fan art, Fanfic, basic info, and great buying guide. Check it out.

Slayers Universe ~A -Huge- place with pretty much everything. If you're not looking for specifics, this is your place. A little too general for me, though....

Temple of Zelgadiss ~A good idea for a shrine, but lacking in the updates department. If someone actually got it going again it'd be great. Just don't try and join, the site hasn't been updated since '97 -_-;;

Zelgadiss' Sanctuary ~I'd have to say one of my Favorite Zel shrines. The only thing that makes me sad is the fact my computer has no sound so I can't hear the movies ~_~grr RealPlayer is recommended.

Lina Inverse's Slayers Page ~Like Slayers Universe, a huge place with lot's of stuff. And also like Slayers Universe, a bit too general.

The Software Sculpture's Slayers Page ~Not even a page, just a place to buy the movies ((At retail price, blah)). Don't go here ((sorry SS)).

Strikeida's Slayers Sancuary ~Yes, this is our very own Strikeida's independant slayers page. Check it out!

The Mysterious Priestesses' Den of Slayers Silliness ~An amazing page by Silvestris and Pairaka, two young ladies whose insanity almost rivals my own! Go see it, and be sure to read the Crimson King special, it's awesome!


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