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Model PA-22-125 PA-22-135
Engine Lyc O-290-D Lyc O-290-D2
Hp & RPM 125 @ 2600 135 @ 2600 
Gross Weight (Lbs.) 1800 1950 
Empty Weight (Lbs.) 1000 1060 
Wingspan (Ft.) 29.3 29.3
Wing Area (Sq. Ft.) 147.5 147.5
Length Ft. 20.4 20.4
Height In. 100 100
Propeller Dia. In. 74 74
Power Loading Lbs./hp 14.4 14.4
Wing Loading Lbs./sq ft 12.2 13.2
Baggage Cap. Lbs. 50 50
Fuel Cap. US Gal. 36 36
Maximum Speed mph 133 137 
Cruise mph:75% @ sl 123 123
Cruise mph:75% @ 7000 128 132
Stall Speed mph 48 48*
Takeoff Run ft. 1372 1220*
Landing Roll ft. 500 500*
Rate of Climb ft/min 810 620
Service Ceiling ft 14,250 15,000
Cruising Range s/mi 580 570



Model PA-22-150 PA-22-160
Engine Lyc O-320-A Lyc O-320-B
Hp & RPM 150 @ 2700 160 @ 2700
Gross Weight (Lbs.) 2000 2000
Empty Weight (Lbs.) 1100 1110
Wingspan (Ft.) 29.3 29.3
Wing Area (Sq. Ft.) 147.5 147.5
Length Ft. 20.6 20.6
Height In. 100 100
Propeller Dia. In. 74 74
Power Loading Lbs./hp 13.3 12.5 
Wing Loading Lbs./sq ft 13.5 13.5
Baggage Cap. Lbs. 100 100
Fuel Cap. US Gal. 36 36
Maximum Speed mph 139 141
Cruise mph:75% @ sl 123 125
Cruise mph:75% @ 7000 132 134 
Stall Speed mph 49* 49*
Takeoff Run ft. 1220* 1120*
Landing Roll ft. 500* 500*
Rate of Climb ft/min 725 800
Service Ceiling ft 15,000 16,500
Cruising Range s/mi 492 500


*Flaps Extended 


The PA-22 Tri-Pacer appeared in 1952 and remained in production through 1960. A total of 7,668 Tri-Pacers were built. Built as a tri gear many have been converted to PA-22/20 tail wheel Pacer configuration. 

Early Tri-Pacers were powered with the 125-HP O-290-D engine, then the 135-HP O-290-D2 engine, the 150-HP O-320-A engine, and finally the 160-HP O-320-B engine. The 180-HP O-360 engine was STC'd for the PA-22/20. 

Tri-Pacers were equipped with a light spring load between aileron and rudder to help counteract adverse yaw tendency in a turn. This has been removed from many, especially when converted to the tail wheel configuration. Brakes are applied simultaneously by a "johnson bar" that protrudes from beneath the center of the instrument panel. Many have been converted to individual toe brakes, especially on the tail wheel conversions. Many stories have been told of pilots who could not get a Tri-Pacer started until someone told them the "secret" location of the master switch and starter button under the pilots seat. 

The Tri-Pacer is regarded as easy to fly with no surprises other than the fact like all short wings it does not have much of a glide at low airspeeds. This is a plus in landing if you are a little fast as it does not try to float into the next county. In general it is a delightful flying airplane that lives up to its performance numbers better than most.
