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Chapter One

"I’m sorry kids but the show has been canceled." Bob the director of the Disney, kids tv show, MMC, told them sadly.

"What?" Tony Lucca breathed out raged. "Why?"

"Well, the Disney Channel wants to be more family orientated so they’re getting rid of Kids Inc. and us." Bob informed them.

"They can’t do that can they?" Britney Spears cried outraged.

"Of course they can. They’re the boss." Ricky Luna said bitterly.

"But, MMC’s my life, I can’t just walk away." Christina Aguilera whimpered to herself sadly.

5 YEARS LATER IN A SMALL TOWN IN OHIO "Hello?" Kellie questioned picking up the phone.

"Hey chick what’s up?" The voice of one of her best friends, Carla came through the receiver.

"Ah, not much, just watching Mtv, as usual. I was thinking about going online in a bit though." Kellie explained to her friend. It was almost the end of her Junior year, and that meant it was her Senior summer, therefore herself and her 5 friends would be heading for Orlando for two months of utter heaven. She had only dreamed of going back to Florida, she hadn’t been there since her mother plucked her from the MMC set and brought her to Trenson, her current residence. Her mother had forced her to take an alias so she wouldn’t have to chance publicity again. Kellie still didn’t completely understand the whole situation, but she was a teenager, and had made friends fast, and almost completely forgotten Florida. Almost. "Just think, one week from today we’ll be on our plane to Florida. Back home."

"That’s right, you used to live there for two years didn’t you?" Carla remembered.

"Yeah." Kellie said distractedly. She snapped her thoughts forward, mentally smacking herself. On the tv, Mtv News had just come on. "I’m John Norris with Mtv News 1515." Kellie mimicked.

"Hold on, I’m switching to Mtv." Carla replied, letting the phone drop.

Kellie shook her head and smiled at her friends crazy antics. She happened to glance at the television and her eyes went wide in shock.

"Hey, we’re N*Sync." The voices of 5 young guys poured through the television. "And this is Mtv News 1515." The scene flipped to Kurt Lodder. "Today on 1515, John Norris interviews Britney Spears and N*Sync regarding their recent tour."

"Kay Kell, I’m back." Carla said. "Kell? You there."

"Oh. My. Gosh." Kellie dropped the phone. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t breathe, heck she couldn’t hear her heart beat. She suddenly heard Carla’s voice calling through the phone. She knew she had to cover. She picked up the phone. "Sorry, it’s just HoJo just walked by our house and I got a little excited."

"I’ll say." Carla muttered. "So, did you see those hotties from N*Sync? They are hot. Good music to, ya know those songs I Want You Back and Tearin’ Up My Heart? They sing those."

"No way." Kellie said in disbelief. "I love those songs, I’ve been looking for their cd."

"Well knowing our wonderful town, it’ll be another two months for the RecordMart to get it in stock. You could probably get it in Florida though." Carla pointed out.

"Look Car, I really gotta go. I forgot to do the laundry." Kellie lied, sitting down on her couch.

"Okay I’ll see ya tomorrow for the last day of our Junior year!" Carla squealed.

"yeah." Kellie hung up the phone distractedly, looking at the T.V. nervously. She paced the floor until the N*Sync and Britney interview came on. She sat on the couch biting her lip. She couldn’t believe that sitting there on T.V. were three of her former mousekateers. Jc, Justin, and Britney sat there with who she later discovered to be Chris, Joey, and Lance.

She had immediately recognized Jc, his looks hadn’t changed much. Except his hair, which was now cut closer to the head. Britney, who was her best friend on the set, was the next she recognized. She hadn’t changed much either, just grown up a little bit. And Justin, if she hadn’t have seen his name printed beneath him, she never would’ve realized it was him. His hair was now close to the head, very curly, and platinum. The face had changed a bit, but after looking a little, she could see the resemblance.


"We could kick your butts in b-ball anyday." Justin Timberlake threatened.

"yeah." Ryan Gosling agreed.

"Name the time and the place." Britney smirked.

"We’ll be there." Christina added.


Kellie shook her head. She wouldn’t let herself think of those days. She couldn’t. Those days were dead. Christina was dead, buried and dead. She couldn’t let herself slip up, if any of her friends found out, she didn’t know what they would do.

She sighed as the feature switched to something or another about Madonna. Slowly, Kellie climbed the stairs to the second floor and walked into her room. She got down on her knees and pulled out a Tupperware container. Taking off the lid she found over 40 tapes +. They were copies of all the MMC shows she was on. They were the only thing she had left. Well, she did still have her jacket, but that was in the attic somewhere.

She pulled out one of the tapes labeled bloopers. This was the Season 6 wrap up party gift. A full 6 hours tape of various bloopers and mess ups. Underneath the videos was a t-shirt. She had forgotten about this. Pulling it out she sadly remembered why she had kept the shirt.


"So you’re really leaving tonight?" Tate Lynche asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, Mom says it’s the best way." Christina muttered to everyone at the wrap up party. "I was hoping I could get all of you to sign my favorite skit t-shirt though."


Kellie put the T-shirt back quickly and stuffed the container under her bed as she heard her mom pull into the driveway. Grabbing the nearest magazine, and turning on her radio, Kellie tried her best to act like she wasn’t thinking back to the "good ole days." The only reason that Kellie could think of that her mother didn’t like bringing up MMC was because it was around the time Kellie’s dad died in a car crash that the show was canceled. Maybe the fact that some many things were ended that year it was just to painful to think of.

Shrugging off the thought, Kellie pounded downstairs to where her mom was just placing her keys on the counter. "Hey mom, how was work?"

"Eh. I could use a good bubblebath though." Her mom, Theresa, smiled slightly.

"I think everyone could mom." Kellie laughed.

"So, how’s school? How’s it feel to know that in two days you’ll be a Senior?" Theresa put a kettle on the oven for some tea.

"Great. I still don’t know why you won’t let me skip. All we’re doing to tomorrow is nothing. It’s a waste of my time, and your money." Kellie complained.

"You know you’re going no matter what you do." Theresa instructed.

"I know." Kellie replied, then brightened. "Just think in one week I will be back in sunny Florida. I can’t wait to show the girls around. It’s gonna be such a blast."

"I know honey, just promise me you won’t do something you’ll regret." Theresa sighed.

"I won’t mom." Kellie assured her, knowing exactly what she was secretly referring to. "Besides, I don’t think anyone’s really left in Florida. The only one I know of is Keri, but she’s in L.A. shooting." Kellie covered.

"True, true." Theresa said, lost in thought. She snapped back, "Well, I know you’ll have a good time no matter what happens."

"Thanks mom." Kellie said giving her mother a slight hug before heading back upstairs.

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