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Chapter 2

"See ya in ten." Jenn, another of Kellie’s friends exclaimed excitedly.

"Kay." Kellie hung up the phone and looked at her watch. Jenn’s parents were picking her up and driving the girls to the airport. Kellie’s mom was at work, and they had said good bye earlier that morning. Looking around, as if someone was watching, Kellie pressed play on her remote. On the screen appeared the "We Are Family" video from one of her many MMC tapes. It was set at the part where herself and Justin had a duet type thing. Kellie remembered filming that day.


"I’m not putting my arm around her." Justin protested.

"Why not?" Ilana Miller asked with a laugh. "Afraid she has cooties?"

"No, Britney and I just kicked his and Ryan’s butt in basketball, and he’s to stubborn to admit defeat." Christina explained.

"Give it up Justin, we won and it’s final." Britney proclaimed.

"Now put your arm around her before I put in there." Jennifer McGill threatened playfully.

"Fine." Justin pouted.


Kellie was brought from her flashback by the doorbell. She quickly stopped the tape and ejected it, stuffing it into her bag. She opened the door to reveal Hillary.

"Here take this, and let’s get outta here." Kellie handed her a bag and then she grabbed another, shutting and locking the door behind her. The girls loaded into the car and excitedly made their way to the airport.


"I can’t believe we are in Orlando, Florida." Katie exclaimed. "Look at the hotties!"

All the girls laughed and made their way to the luggage return. After gathering their luggage they hailed 2 taxis and made their way to the condo they had rented.

As Kellie sat by the window looking at the passing buildings, faintly remembering some of them, while others appeared new in her memory. They arrived at the condo and it was in a small neighborhood surrounded by huge houses.

"How much is this condo costing us again?" Amber said, standing in the driveway next to the girls, looking up at the huge building.

"I thought it was a great deal. Like 400 a month or something." Carla replied.

"This is so awesome!" Jenn yelled twirling around, her voice echoing loudly.

"At the moment I feel like I could do a round off back-handspring." Kellie exclaimed.

"Go for it girl." Katie laughed. Kellie put her stuff down backed up a bit and did a roundoff double back-handspring.

"Kell, that was a double back." Hillary pointed out.

"I know, but I gotta huge adrenaline rush." Kellie’s eyes flashed.

"Guys, what are we just standing here for?" Katie took off running towards the building, soon followed by the other girls.


"Hey check that out." Jc pointed to where a group of girls were standing in the driveway to the condos across the street.

"Must be the new tenants." Justin replied shutting the door to his Mercedes.

"Yeah." Jc and Justin stood there watching for a minute and saw one girl set bags down and back up.

"What do you think she’s doing?" Justin questioned. Jc didn’t answer, he didn’t have the time. He watched the girl run do a round-off double back-handspring.

"Wow. Now that’s talent." Jc laughed.

"Yeah it is." Justin watched them run towards the house. "Come on, Joey and Lance are here and I’m sure Chris is just bouncing off the walls." The two boys walked into the house. "Guys? Mom?"

"In here Justin." Justin mother, Lynn, called from the living room. Justin and Jc walked into the huge living room to find Lynn sitting on the sofa, and Joey, Chris, and Lance laying on the floor battling it out in Mario Kart.

Once Chris had won, they acknowledged the fact Jc and Justin were living and breathing two feet away from them. "So, where were you guys?" Chris asked turning around and sitting Indian-style.

"Chris we told you, we were going to the grocery store." Jc hit Chris upside the head. "And then heading over to Britney’s place to help with plans on the reunion."

"Oh yeah, sorry, forgot." Chris shrugged.

"So how are the plans going?" Lynn asked, intrigued.

"Well, it’s gonna be held in two weeks and between Kerri, Britney, Tony, Jc and I, we’ve gotten a hold of everyone except Chrissy." Justin sighed. "Nobody’s heard from her since the wrap up party, not even Britney."

"Who’s Chrissy?" Lance asked, taking a handful of M&M’s from the dish on the coffee table.

"Chrissy is Christina Aguilera, one of the youngest members of the MMC." Jc inform him. "Great dancer, singer, basketball player, and fun to be around. The problem is she left in the middle of the wrap-up party, and no one has heard from her since."

"It’s the mystery of the missing mousekateer." Joey said, making his voice extremely low, and causing everyone to laugh.

"Yeah, she had one heck of a jump shot, when you got her and Britney on a team together, there was no way you could stop them." Justin remembered.

"It was really sad though, didn’t her Dad die during the 6th season?" Lynn asked.

"Yeah, he did. That was a really bad day for everyone." Jc remembered.


"Anyone wanna play some ping-pong?" Britney asked from the rec room in the MMC Soundstage.

"No, cause everyone knows you’ll kick their butts." Christina laughed from where she was sitting next to Tj Fantini.

"True, true, you are correct." Britney agreed, then started to laugh.

"Hey guys, what’s goin’ on?" Matt Morris, and Rhona Bennett said joining the rest of their cast mates back in the lounge.

"Oh, are you guys done with your scene?" Nikki Deloach bounced up from one of the stools.

"Yeah, it’s your guys’ turn." Rhona smiled, sitting down where Nikki had just been previously seated.

"Okay, I need Britney, Justin, Christina, Nikki, Ryan, and Ricki." Terry came back to the rec room holding a clip board. Each member called stopped what they were doing and headed to the stage, where they would be performing their music number for the day, then the show would be over. Just as Christina was about to walk through the curtains, her mother appeared with her face red and blotchy.

"Okay you guys, Christina will probably not be dancing today." Terry said solemn faced. Before anyone could question why, Christina was out on stage, her face was emotionless, and her voice rigid.

"Don’t worry I’m dancing today." Christina took her spot next to Ryan. "I mean that’s what I’m paid for isn’t it?" The dance number went through without a hitch, but when it came time for the ending, or as the club called it "break down time," Christina was gone without any word to anyone.

Back in the rec room, after the show, everyone was concerned and questioning. Terry waited for them to quiet down. "It’s gonna be a rough couple of weeks for Chrissy, her Dad was killed in a car accident this morning."


"She actually handled it better than expected." Jc recalled.

"Actually she hated how we all babied her for two weeks after." Justin added. "That girl amazed me. She could totally shut off her emotions on stage, in skits, at any time."

"Guys, can we stop with the emotional crap? I’m losing my hyperness." Chris complained.

"Well, I know that this will cheer Joey up, but on the way in Justin and I saw 6 girls across the street in the condo driveway." Jc smirked.

"Oh really?" Joey asked extremely interested.

"Yeah, one must be a gymnast or something, because she did a roundoff double back handspring." Justin guessed.

"Well, later on we’re just going to have to welcome them to the neighborhood, won’t we?" Lance smiled.

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