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Chapter Three

"Before anyone does any welcoming I need someone to run down to Miller’s for me." Lynn ordered.

"I’m gonna walk to the grocery store that I spotted from the cab." Kellie announced to the girls, who were around the condo trying to unpack everything. Kellie knew she was lying, her and some of the club members would walk down to this area all the time on their breaks and she knew exactly where the grocery store was. "Anyone wanna come?"

"Yeah sure, sounds good. I need a break from packing anyway." Jenn said looking up from her bag. "Kell, do you know where any good furniture store is, cause we only have a bed a couch and a tv." Jenn pointed out as she walked towards the door.

"Yeah, we could visit a few." Kellie laughed.

"We’ll hold down the fort." Hillary called to them.

"You do that." Jenn shut the door. The two girls walked in silence for about a minute. "So what’s it like to be back home?"

"Kinda weird, I mean, I recognize some things, but others are brand new. I guess I just expected everything to be the same, ya know?" Kellie explained.

"Yeah, I know." Jenn agreed. "So how much farther until we reach this grocery store?"

"It’s called Miller’s Market, and it should be right around the corner." Kellie informed her, and just as they turned the corner, there was Miller’s Market. "We used to come here a lot in the afternoons."

"Who’s we?" Jenn asked, interested.

"Just some friends I used to hang out with when I lived down here." Kellie replied quickly.

"Oh, you should look them up. Maybe they’re still around here." Jenn suggested.

"I doubt it, we all talked about moving away as soon as we graduated, and they were all older than me." Kellie covered.


"Guys, I’m really bored." Keri Fisher complained.

"We could go to the parks." Marc Worden suggested.

"Nah, we did that yesterday." Nita Booth shook her head.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Josh Ackerman questioned. "Maybe we’ll find something to do."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded thoughtfully. After walking a few blocks, they came upon a free standing building labeled: Miller’s Market. The group decided to check it out.


"Man, we must have come here every other day. Mr. Miller knew us by name by the time I moved." Kellie recalled.

"That must have been cool." Jenn held open the door. "After you."

"Thanks." Kellie walked through, and was immediately met by the familiar smell of warm, fresh bread, and chocolate chip cookies. "So, what do we want for dinner tonight? You’ve got your tv dinners, canned food, candy, or we could screw baking and go fast food."

"I think we should at least get some bread and peanut butter if worst comes to worst." Jenn suggested.

"I’ll get the bread, and you get the peanut butter, it’s in the third aisle, on the right side." Kellie instructed. Each girl went their separate way, Jenn heading for the many aisles, and Kellie heading for the bread counter. As she was approaching, some one said something that made her heart skip a beat.

"Why Christina Aguilera, it’s been ages." A man behind the bread counter smiled friendly at her.

"Hey Mr. Miller." Kellie caught her breath, and smiled. She walked to the counter.

"The usual?" Mr. Miller lifted an eyebrow expectantly.

"You still remember my usual?" Kellie asked, surprised.

"Mrs. Miller says I have the memory of an elephant, and remember, elephant’s never forget." Mr. Miller recited, making Kellie laugh. Kellie almost expected one of her cast mates to walk up beside her. "There you go, Chrissy."

"Thanks Mr. Miller I’ll see you later." Kellie flashed him a smile, and grabbing the bread headed to one of the check-out lines that Jenn was standing in front of. "Imagine that."

"Imagine what?" Jenn asked as she paid for the food.

"Oh, I just saw someone I hadn’t seen in years, that’s all." Kellie smiled a half smile and the two girls walked out the door headed back to the condo.

"Miller’s Market. My home away from home." Justin said, shutting off the engine to his Mercedes, and hopping out.

"You can say that again." Chris agreed. "Mr. Miller knows more about you than I do, I think."

"Okay, Mom said she needed a loaf of Mr. Miller’s specialty French bread, and some noodles for spaghetti, so you get the noodles, and I’ll get the bread." Justin planned.

"Sounds good to me, but I think I need to make a detour into the candy section." Chris was off, making Justin laugh.

Justin ambled back to the bread counter, and waited patiently for Mr. Miller. A few moments later he was out. "Justin, good to see you. Here for your usual?"

"Not today Mr. Miller, Mom sent me with strict instructions to get a loaf of your finest French bread." Justin replied.

"Ah, she has good taste." Mr. Miller winked, as he grabbed a loaf of the warm bread. Just as Justin was about to turn and leave, Mr. Miller spoke again. "You came a few minutes to late."

"What do you mean?" Justin asked thoroughly confused.

"You just missed Christina." Mr. Miller explained.

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