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July 18, 1998-The Bus Ride Up

We met at River Valley Mall in Lancaster about 5:30. We loaded things up, got our seats on the charter bus and took some crew pictures. We were ready to go when Bill remembered he forgot his physical at home. He rushed home and got it. (In record time I might add.) Ryan Searfoorce had left his pack to be loaded with Howard because he was going on a family trip and would be meeting us in Cimmaron. I bring this up because Howard almost forgot to load it onto the bus. We joked about it once we got to Philmont saying "You could have bought everything you needed in Philmont's trading post."

We left Lancaster at about 7:15 and took a 27 hour bus ride to Cimmaron. We played cards, watched some really good movies, until the leaders turned off one innapropriate one and ate lunch, dinner and breakfast which would, if you dont count cafeteria food, be known as our "last meal."

There would be no sleep for any of us. It was so cold and we were lucky to get two seats a piece to sleep on, but it was still to small especially for our giant. The giant was one of the leaders in another crew who is 7'1" and had to sleep in the aisle.
