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July 27, 1998

Day 9--July 27--Cypher's Mine to Cimmaroncito

We slept in very late in our adirondacks. We had to recover from the festivities of yesterday. We awoke at about 8:30. We had a small breakfast and packed out our wet gear and clothing. I had a wet shirt on and a semi dry pair of pants. Thank goodness my boots were dry it would have been blister city. We left camp at 11:00

It was all downhill to Cimmaroncito. I hate downhill. We hiked Middle Fork Creek. It was rocky, lots of water on the trail from the recent rains, more stream crossings. We passed several crews going to Cypher's Mine. A ranger told us he had seen a bear at a campsite ahead. We did not see it.

We got to 'Cito as the rangers called it. It was a staffed camp. It was about 2:30. Howard, Bill, Nate, and John. I was late and the commisary was only open until 5:00 so they went fast. The rest of the crew set up camp. I took a shower. I sent out a postcard at the mailbox that they had here. They had enclosed latrines here. No more Pilot to Copilot seats.

We had dinner ready when they came back. They made us close our eyes and they had something for us. It was dry wool socks and some oranges. This made my day I took the socks greatfully. They are still my best pair. We hung out clothes but it didn't do much.

Dinner had chicken in it. That is all we remember.

Advisor's coffee was at 7:00. They always get things. I really neaded some coffee. We requested an itinerary change for our last days on the trail. Instead of 2 miles the next day and 10 the day after it was 6 and 6. Thank goodness we did this you will find out why.

Bed was at 10:00.
