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July 28, 1998

Day 10--July 28--Cimmaroncito to Upper Clark's Fork

Up at 6:00. Broke camp and were ready for rock climbing before 8:00. Everyone did rock climbing except Howard. Kerry didn't climb but he came to take pictures. It was very easy but very fun. We taunted the rangers and made fun of them for saying Y'all. They paid us back by pulling the ropes up in our crotch. It hurt.

We left for Upper Clark's Fork at 10:00. We hiked through a pretty valley and had to spread out horizontally to reduce land damage. Few stream crossings. More switchbacks. All around good hike though.

Dinner was mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and pudding. Everyone thought this was the best yet.

After dinner Ryan was kicked in the groin area by Me and John. He was running down a hill and we stuck our feet out thinking he would run around them but he didn't. He was in pain and was angry at us. He was told to walk it off. He walked out of camp on a trail: it started to get dark, and we started to get worried. Where was Ryan? The advisors went looking at first. No response.

The four remaining scouts went to look for him farther along the trail with instructions to be back in 20 minutes. No luck. We decided not to bring our radios. Bad idea. We left them at base camp. Howard took 3 scouts down to Clark's Fork (the lower staff camp) to report Ryan missing and to get a search started. At a point almost to the lower camp Ryan responded to our yells, from a ridge on the creek. Me and Nate went to get him, while Nathan and Howard stayed on the trail. Ryan was found. He was ok except for a scratch on his knee. We all hugged and forgave each other. We were all crying. He decided to keep walking rather than stay put. He was wearing all black and didn't have a whistle.

We had our nightly devotions. Howard offered a special prayer for thanks for Ryan's safe return. We went to bed at 10:30.

No more days like this, Please.
