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July 29, 1998

Day 11--July 29--Upper Clark's Fork to Shaefer's Pass Camp

We were up at 7:00. Breakfast. We left camp at 8:45. We were in the next camp at 10:30. Thank goodness. You'll see why.

It was uphill all the way. Great view of the peaks. We took a side hike and had lunch on a ridge and took some pictures. We yelled back to another crew across the valley and on the other ridge.

The campsites are in a large meadow and at the edge of the woods. We set up camp, and got a good campsite because we were the first ones here. We napped. Played a lot of card games. We also played foxtail. It was a lazy day. We hung up our clothes and within hours they were dry. We were very happy. We earned this day.

Dinner was turkey and Noodles, with peaches and cream pie for dessert. Our plan is to leave very early to see the sunrise on the tooth of time.

What a great day this one was: beautiful weather, nothing to do but relax and recoup from our previous days. The animal here are not fightened at all. We practically got to pet the deer that were wondering here.

While putting up the bearbag, John threw the rope into a tree he climbed up and got it though.

Many crews pulled in the camp that night. Most did not belong there, because we were told we were to be one of 4 crews there. There was almost eight. They crowded us in and kept us up until early in the morning. This was the only overcrowded camp the whole week. This was the best day though and we really needed it.
