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July 31, 1998-August 2, 1998

Day 13-15--July 31-August 2--Camping Headquarters to Home.

Up at 5:45. Showered, packed, and swept the tents out. Breakfast was at 7:00. Last trip to the trading post bought more patches.

We walked across the road to tour the Seton Library and Museum, and Villa Philmonte, Waite Phillips' summer home. It is a real mansion.

Loaded the bus and left at 10:45. Drove down the road to tour the Kit Carson Museum. Pretty Neat.

Lunch back in Cimarron. The contingent went to various places in the town. We went to the creamy. Then me and Nate wanted real food (If you know what I mean). We bought milk, oreos, twizzlers, chips, and mountian dew 2 liters, etc. Just for the ride home. Thank goodness we did. It was so good. I hooked up my 2 liter to my platypus bite valve and drank it like it was an IV. It was very funny.

The bus turned off the highway to a side road at Folsom, NM. which is on the Santa Fe Trail. We passed the Capulin Volcano National Monument, and drove through Red Rock Canyon for many miled, including 17 miles of unpave dirt road. Huge mesas and ridges, red and white rock colors; open cattle ranges. No fences. I seemed like a scene out of a John Wayne movie. Ranches of thousands of acres. The canyon gradually widened, and the rocks changed color to white only. Into Oklahoma: through the Black Mesa area. Up a grade and out of the canyon.

The bus broke down. It broke a pulley outside Boise City, OK at 6:15. Called for help. A four hour delay. Pete Barnes from a nearby town helped us by getting us a new pulley and installed it.

Dinner at pizza hut at 1:00 in the morning. We were all tired and I felt real sick. By that time we were in Kansas.

The bus broke down again, 7:15 in the morning. This time the pulley lost a chunk of matierial. We fixed it with rope and duct tape (of course because if you cant duct it you should know the rest just use four letter words that rhyme) A 1/2 hour delay. We limped down I70, somewhere in Kansas, to a truck stop. The bus was ready at 12:30. In the meantime we ate at the largest truck stop I had ever seen complete with and arcade packed with pornography games. Enjoyed by even the adults. Once the bus was ready I slept and the others watched TV until late.

We arrived at home late a night on August 2nd, a day later than planned. It was 48 hours from Philmont to Lancaster. Me and ryan had Band Camp in 9 hours. I had no sleep. My legs hurt for weeks. Our band camp sucks. You wake up at 5 and dont end until 11:00
