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July 21, 1998

Day 3--July 21--Old Abreu to The Crags

We awoke at 6:20. We got ready for our first "real" day of hiking. From Old Abreu to the Crags. On the way, we hiked up switchbacks for a long while until we reached a ridge with the most awesome view. Right off to the left was a sharp turn which seemed to go off the side of the cliff. I was completely exposed. Barely any room to turn or walk and one false move and you would have a search team at the bottom of the valley. Howard looked over and literally said "HOLY S**T," I felt the same way and he appologized for his language. I felt so freaked out. I didn't feel like there was enough room to walk across this trail. We took a rest and played with our new found friends who liked to eat, the MINI BEARS !!!! We feed them some Pemmican Bars. Thank Goodness it wasn't as bad as I thought.

After the break we packed up, stepped through the opening. A small time later there were what was said to be 8 switchbacks. They led to the campsite near a river. This camp was at 8000 feet. More ranger training on bears, first aid, and thunderstorms including flash floods. We once again played big bootie for extra cookies.

Lunch was squeezables on crackers. Dinner was macaroni and soup mixed together. They was a short rain. We did "Thorns and Roses" that night. "Thorns and Roses" is a little reflection on the day where you look at the stars and you tell what was bad and good during the day. Once again the stars were great. We went to bed at 9:00.
