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July 23, 1998

Day 5--July 23--Lost Cabin to Beau Bien

We awoke at 5:00. The earliest time so far. Left the camp after takedown at 6:10. 39 degrees this morning. It was really cold. We hiked down Bear Caynon. Very beautiful. It is a valley, or meadow you could call it with wildflowers and very pretty trees. We saw some elk and some turkey later on.

Hiked up and over, and down to Buck Creek. We saw a quail or two in the woods. It was an easy hike and we made wonderful time.

We then followed a 4WD trail down to Buck Creek, and back up to Phillips Junction, where we got a food pickup. There was a trading post here and I mailed some postcards and so did Howard. I bought a Philmont Nalgene bottle here.

It was a one hour hike up the hill to Beau Bien, more switchbacks. It was followed by a hike through a cow pasture.

We stopped at the main building, here a staff member took us to our campsite. Since we were the first here we got the furthest campsite. I guess it pays to wake up early to be first. We have a layover here at our most beautiful camp.

We played horseshoes and roped fake bulls for a while.

Later that evening we got ready for our conservation project that is a requirement for the 50 miler award. This guy was a real dork. He tried to impress us by doing some dumb stand-up routine. Then after a little trail work we started to leave. At that time we saw him teling the kids to climb a tree half cut down stuck in a y shaped tree. He wanted them to jump on it. If it was to have fallen not only would the two children on the tree but the ten underneath. We stopped him in time before anything occured. Not the greatest experience.

Dinner was stroganoff and corn with cup-o-soup. There was an advisors coffee at 7:00. Us kids just played cards.

The campfire was good. Notable songs were sung along with the Philmont Hymn. It was put on by 3 girls, 2 guitars, and Don the Cowboy. Really enjoyable.

Slept well this night got a chance to rest my muscles because I really needed it. I also didnt have to worry about getting up so early.
