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July 24, 1998

Day--July 24--Layover at Beau Bien

We got up at about 7:00 and had some Oatmeal for Breakfast.

Kerry didn't get up because he was still nursing his sore leg, we left the camp to do a side hike to Trail Peak, the highest point on our trek. I was a one hour hike to the trail head, and a one our hike up a very very steep hill. You could see the whole camp from up here. You could see the cow camp on one side, camping headqurters on the other, and Baldy with rain on it in the middle. It was a great view. There were some clouds abouve us we could practically touch them. Nate got in a tree to see more and to take some pictures. We left a note in the time capsule at the top. Obviously another group in our trek already arrived here.

The airplane wreck is here. The tradition was to tak a leak of an airplane at 10,000 feet. Makes a good story.

We had lunch there at the top. When the thunderstorm rolled in we left quickly. We werent gonna get wet. Down the hill it took almost a half an hour. Howard fell on the last leg of the trail.

One hour hike back to the camp.

All the crew except Howard and Kerry went horseback riding. It was really enjoyable to get off our feet for a while. Me and Nate were in front just talking.

We had the chuckwagon tonight: stew, crackers, peaches, and the staff prepares it. That is the best part no cooking.

The advisors had there nightly coffee. While they were in coffee the two crews of us talked and read the innapropriate writing inside the latrines.

Jeff Schneider's crew came today. I dont know what this means but I hope to find out, but Jim Grilliot my Scoutmaster shared his secret for motivating Shirley Bash along the trail.

Chilly in the evening. Me and John entered the horshoe contest. We didn't do so well, but it was fun.
