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July 25, 1998

Day 7--July 25--Beau Bien to Black Mountain Camp

We were up at 6:40. Breakfast an left camp at 8:10. On the way we went to deliver some mail and were greated with the staff with REAL leftover breakfast. We surely ablidged. It was eggs, pancakes, fresh fruit salad. Very good. I liked the Fruit Salad myself. We passed two crews on their way to Beau Bien. Told them how nice it was. We then arrived at Black Mountian Camp.

Everyone did Black Powder shooting except for John, due to past experiences, and I stayed with him for he didn't feel left out.

The rest of the crew learned how to use their "Picker, flicker, and scratchers" to shoot the guns. They learned it from Dirty Larry and Nate, and their dog D-O-G.

Larry and Nate live in a 100 year old cabin. It sleps five and tons of food as we saw.

Lunch was Tuna spreadables on Ritz. Threatining skies again. We tried to do laundry.

The crew did blacksmithing. And me and John had to kiss the anvil because we missed when hitting the metal. We made an S hook.

We had steady rain for about an hour. Dinner was red beans and rice, with strawberry shortcake. This really made us have to Fart.

During the advisors coffee the staff played with Pyrodex powder. The advisors said it was real cool and the pictures were outstanding.

Later in the evening hail caused us to scurry to our tents. The rain just went on and on. It really sucked. 2 tents collapsed and we had to fix them. Our clothes on the lines never dried due to it. This camp was a natural drainage area bad placement. Me and many others used our pads as islands. but somepeople didn't have them. That proved to be not good. More on the rain tommorow.

The next page is the best so please go on. Our adventures have just begun. Our skills were to be pressed and our bodies we to be put to the test. Two more things were to confront us in the next few days. So read on and enjoy.
