Why Join Scouting ?
Why Join Scouting ?
Scouting is the path to Adventure, Friendship, Citizenship, Learning, Leadership, and especially fun.
In scouting you will get to experience many things you may have never experienced before. You will get to go camping, backpacking, and do other fun activities in the indoors and the outdoors. You will find yourself sleeping in a tent, hiking on trails, or swimming/waterskiing in no time. Camping in different weather is fun. Whether it is snowing, raining, sunny, or mild, you will enjoy it. I have. If this sounds inviting. It is for you.
Usually when joining the B.S.A. you find a group of boys in which you are already friends. That is good, but for those of you who don't you will gain new friends. Or you can invite your friends to join your troop. During your journeys as a scout you will meet other scouts, either at summer camp, camporees, or even a high adventure camp out of state. Since scouting is a brotherhood of millions you will be able to meet other scouts wherever you go.
In the Boy Scouts of America the boys help those in need. Just like the boy scout in London who helped Mr. Boyce find his way to his buisness. He didnt take a tip. In turn Boyce took scouting to America. We do about the same things. We help in food drives. We help in making the community better by cleaning up the litter in the neighborhood. It might not sound fun, but knowing you helped someone, makes you feel good. This is probably the most important part of scouting.
In Scouting you learn a lot of things you might use in the future. Yuo learn to build fires, first aid, camping procedure, safety, and while doing any of hundreds of merit badges you learn to do skills you may have never known. With these skills you become a better scout and climb the ranks of scouting. In turn making you better at all the scouting aspects. You so this until you make it to the Eagle rank--the highest rank of scouting. Once you arrive there and do those requirements you become an Eagle. A world renound posisition even to those not in scouting. This if anything should be your goal.
On your trail to Eagle you will get to be elected into many posistions in the troop anything from the Grubmaster to the Senior Patrol Leader. In these posistions you will learn to lead other scouts in their trail to Eagle. Th scout law and oath are your guides to becoming a great scout and a mature adult. Use this knowledge in helping others.
During everything you do in scouting you will notice a smile whether it comes from you, other scouts, or those you are helping. This notes that scouting is fun. In all the activities you do you will have a lot of fun. This should be the main reason to join scouts. If you think there is something you might want to do as a scout, tell your scoutmaster. He will look into it and you will probably end up doing it.