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Turdfester, Nebraska

Welcome To Turdfester, Dude!

Welcome to Turdfester. We are so glad that you decided to stop by!

Our town is located in the northeast section of the Republic of Nebraska and was named after our founder Mr. Arnold William Turdfester. Arnold Turdfester and his family settled in the current location Turdfester in 1847. He and the family fell upon hard times because of the constant climate of the area. This area is prone to constant storms and low temperatures in the winter. They managed to survive and built this town into what you now see today. The town still suffers from constant bad weather but the town folks have grown acustomed to it.

The main source of income in Turdfester is from A.W.T. Industries, now the world's leading manufaturer of fart gas. This industry began as a modest operation in 1855 and grew into today's industry giant. A.W.T. supplies fart gas to leading food chains like McDonald's and White Castle.

Fart Gas plant & new Premium bus service

