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Congratulations Amanda

Congratulations to you,your officers
to your entire Grand Family
We present this page to you
with all our love
Elkhorn-Waterloo #38, Luna Chapter #169, Waterloo Lodge #102




"Music is the expression of harmony in sound
Love is the expression of harmony in life"




Music Notes


Blue and Purple

Lindsey Gideon

Amanda Hyde

Mrs Sharon McCardle

Mrs Thelma Domingo

Mrs Marcia Imig

Kalli Loseke

Jennifer Zamiska

Laura  Olson

Rebecca Heitold

Meagan Lasiter

Amanda Olson

Karle Zastrow

Amanda Mogler

Christine Bryant

Amanda Norton

Kristen Heyen

Anne Bowen

Rebecca James

Kristin Heithold

Johanna Davis

Stephanie Baird

Cassandra Birdsall

Caityln Todd

Nicole Sulser

Sarah Norton

Trisha Klotz

Aubree Moore

Mr Don Jellinek

Krystal Bogdahn

Christine Harriman

Sherry Armour

Elizabeth Bryant

Monica Nelson

Diane Broyhill

Mrs Betty Garwood

Mrs Joyce Gochenour

Mrs Beverly Donham

Mr Charles Spohr

Mrs Sally Swancutt

Mrs Karen Foster

Ms Tish DeMoss

Mrs Laurie Seig

Mrs Karan Birdsall

Mrs MaryAnn Stevens

Mrs. Pam Colwell

Mrs Shelli Rice

Mrs Amy Doescher

Mrs Betty Lee

The song you are hearing is "Wind Beneath My Wings"

Thank you for visiting Amanda's Page.

The graphics and dolls on this page were made
exclusively for Amanda -please don't take them
Thank You

Last updated April 1, 2008* - (11/08-1074)1093
elkhorn - 41
applestraw - 12
elkwat - 0