NRW - Opinion Columns

DISCLAIMER: This section is for OPINIONS of article writers! If you are offended in any way, then don't read these columns. I will in no way EVER take these columns off of the site unless I feel that it is getting out of hand. Let's deal with this professionally, folks! If you don't like something, don't talk to the webmaster about it...write your OWN column in response to the ones currently on the site and I'd be glad to put it up.

  • Always remember that we live in the United States of America, where, in the Constitution (the Supreme law of the land), Amendments one through ten, known collectively as the BILL OF RIGHTS, (number one in specific) protect our God given right to Freedom of Speech!

    Amendment I: "Religious and Political Freedom" Congress must not interfere with freedoms of religion, speech or press, assembly, and petition. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercize thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peacably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    If you, or Congress, or anyone tries to censor these columns, it truly a sad day for our society. In any case, if you want to know more about free speech on the internet and why we should preserve it, go here.

    Far Out!
    by Hempford the Hippie

    The Brass Tax
    by Dave "Da Bomb" Dexter