Charity Information

Here is some info about what we mean when we say "all for charity."

New Revolution Wrestling loves helping people, as well as entertaining. Thus, as of September, 1999, we decided to begin giving all money earned from our shows to local St. Louis, and worldwide charities.

We keep no profit, and we don't even keep any money to pay off the price of our shows! That's right, ALL money that is donated is given to charities!

Also, NRW would like to remind everyone that when attending our shows, the $2.00 fee is a mandatory DONATION, but fans are ENCOURAGED to give more than that- after all, it is to benefit the very needy people of our society!

At our shows, we hope that all fans are willing to donate more than they are expected- and not to expect that this extra donation will go unrewarded! It is customary for wrestlers at the shows to put on even greater matches and more entertaining and daring moves just to get extra donations for the people we are donating to.

Some of the different types of charities NRW plans on donating to during the summer of 2000 are:

  • Chairites donating money to help children with leukemia.
  • Organizations dedicated to trying to fight breast cancer and trying to help out women who already have the disease or have had it before.
  • Different organizations dedicated to fighting opression in third-world countries, such as El Salvador.

    Hopefully all of our fans and potential fans realize this. Even if you don't enjoy wrestling, or think it is "stupid" to watch young adults perform wrestling moves, please just come so you can help out those of our world that are in need.
