Video Clips

All video clips are in AVI form. Each of the AVI files are compressed into a ZIP file so you can download them to your computer instead of having to wait for them to load online. If you don't have WinZip, get it here. You may also need Windows Media Player to view the movies. Enjoy!

Constructive Destruction

AVI's from Constructive Destruction Lance Sydal does a great split-legged moonsault to a bloody "Slick" Ric Muffler. Bob Miller does a great standing moonsault to Hempford the Hippie. "Slick" Ric does an insane brainbuster to Lance Sydal Hempford the Hippie does an awesome Dominator to Bob Miller onto a construction barrel. Cubano Morono leaps off the top rope with an excellent elbow drop to Matt Idol Lance Sydal attempts (but misses) a corkscrew 450 moonsault. Matt Idol does a perfect overhead head and arm suplex to Cubano Cubano Morono does a great tilt-a-whirl spinning head scissors to Matt Idol "Slick" Ric Muffler does a nice high-cradle suplex to Lance Sydal. Lance and Bob team up to do a great modified swing-around 3D to Johnny Star. Johnny Star surprises Lance with his patented "cart-wheel" hurricanrana! Cubano Morono finishes off Matt Idol with a crazy ladder-to-ladder hurricanrana! Matt Idol powerbombs Cubano Morono through a board between two saw-horses. "Slick" Ric does an insane tilt-a-whirl twisting, spinning body slam to Lance Sydal! Bob Miller does a Tajiri style stomp to Lance Sydal through a table...He breaks the table the second time he stomps! "Slick" Ric does a great over-head German Suplex with release! Lance does an asai moonsault off of a sawhorse to "Slick" Ric through a board between sawhorses. Cubano knocks Matt Idol off of the ring apron to the outside where he falls through a board! Bob Miller does a crazy top rope swinging DDT to Lance Sydal! See him land straight on his head!

WCWF Pictures
wcwfdragon.aviLance Sydal does a nice Dragon Suplex to Bob Miller.
wcwfplancha.aviBob does a somersault plancha from the top rope to the outside, to Lance.
wcwfsequence.aviGreat chain sequence ending in a nice spinning heel kick that ends up directly in the pin.
wcwfsplash.aviBob Miller does his patented spinning splash off of the top, to Lance.
wcwfsplitleg.aviLance does a split-leg moonsault to Bob Miller off of the corner.
wcwfswanton.aviLance does his patented swanton bomb to Bob Miller, off of the rafters in the WCWF arena.

Old Video Clips

Wow! UWA Show AVI's!
UWA Video Clips

hurricanrana1.aviLance Sydal does a huge and fast hurricanrana to Matt Idol
barrelflip1.aviLance does a great moonsault off of two construction barrels as Frank Apollo lies helpless below.
frankrana1.aviFrank Apollo does a "Fameasser" but switches over to a hurrcanrana in mid-flight, to Matt Idol
corkscrewkick1.aviLance Sydal ascends the ladder and hits a great corkscrew somersault plancha kick onto Matt Idol, who is standing nearby.
canehurricanrana1.aviLance Sydal reverses Frank Apollo's version of the "Outsyder's Edge" into a hurricanrana!
gainersault1.aviLance Sydal does a gainer moonsault from the canvas onto Frank Apollo lying prone on the same surface!
basketsenton1.aviLance Sydal ascends to the top of the basketball hoop and does a gigantic swan-dive flip senton bomb (swanton) to Matt Idol who is lying on top of a sideways construction barrel over 10 feet below!

bigflip1.aviLance Sydal does his patented swan dive senton bomb from inside the trampoline-ring onto Cubano Morono Raul Sanchez and Bob Miller, who are underneath a large board, right in front of the crowd.
canerana1.aviCubano Morono has Lance Sydal in a Sugar Cane (version of the Outside's Edge), but Lance reverses it into a hurricanrana.
chalkslam1.avi"Slick" Ric Muffler and Jester are on the trampoline ring's apron. "Slick" chokeslams Jester through a chalkboard set up between a chair and the edge of the trampoline-ring.
outsiderana1.aviJester jumps off of the top-rope-ladder to the outside and lands on "Slick" Ric Muffler for a snap hurricanrana on the outside!
swinginddt1.aviBob Miller ducks the clothesline and does a picture perfect swinging DDT to Cubano Morono Raul Sanchez.