Sheritra is a nickname given me by my dearest love, and is ancient Egyptian for "little sun". My given name also has meaning, as Arden is Latin for "passionate". Sheritra and Arden: I have dedicated myself to doing both names justice.
My obsession/passion for ancient Egypt is long-standing and certainly existed long before I, as it has always been a part of what I love and who I am. My affinity for the goddess Isis is likeways inexplicable; she is my
Lady and my goddess. But even she cannot compare to the force that draws me and my care to the Valley of the Kings, which the Netjeru who dwell there have given me a chance to go visit soon. After so many nights of dreams - envisioned suns setting and rising over Meretseger - to have the desire become reality is a dream in itself. My future in Egyptology will be spent conserving sacred places like the Valley, and all that the pople who once rested and worked there made, constructed, and held dear throughout the whole of Kemet. History is irreplaceable.
There is an ongoing agreement bewteen Kemet and the creativy embodied by my Muse; betrothed to both, constantly having liasons with the other. I do believe in muses, particularly mine, as I have been so completely possessed and obsessed with many a story and vision. I am an artist, acrylic paint being my favorite medium, though I endeavor toward becoming a gifted sculptor as well. On the occasions that the brush is not moving and my hands not defining, I continue to create via my pencil and the tales it weaves, captures. I very much believe in letting the story control the author rather than vice-versa; the story knows best how to preserve and do justice to itself. The novel currently being revised (my third) the life and - more importantly - the purpose of a fictional niece of Maatkare Hatchepsut. A poor description of what is to be a grand work, but one cannot delve further without experiencing the story in its entirety. All my work is unpublished thus far, but I refuse to let it languish. The search for a publisher will end only when one is found.
Beliefs... what do I not believe in? I believe in reincarnation, certainly, and being compelled by the
inexplicable lying therein. The best people and experiences of my life have arisen from being compelled rather than reason or logic. I believe in fate but do not believe that it controls everything, for to do so would be to deny us our individuality, the gift of thought and inquery, all that makes us human.
My life forever circles around a focal point that consists of an "All or Nothing" mentality. Simply put, I work in extremes. I am either cautious and hesitant or enthusiastic and unstoppable, unconquerable. If I do not care for something or someone, I will obstain from being rude, but will not abide by or cater to. Among these are ranked the few things I abhor: hate, ignorance, arrogance, and senselessness. These have no place anywhere.
I do hope that you have found something meaningful during your time upon this Akhet. While convenient, the internet - and computers in general - is a cold, impersonal medium through which to relate. I hope I have remained true to myself and my loves despite this, and take pleasure in being open; I am officially incapable of lying:) I find people who are true to themselves to be rare and beautiful... enveloping beings. Of course, openness means that which I do keep for myself is the most precious of all.... All that I - Sheritra, Arden - am.
Touched by the Sun
If you want to be brave
And reach for the top of the sky
And the farthest point on the horizon
Do you know who you will meet there
Great soldiers and seafarers, artists and dreamers
Who need to be close, close to the light
They need to be in danger of burning by fire
And I, I want to get there,
I, I want to be one
One who is touched by the sun,
One who is touched by the sun
Often I want to walk
The safe side of the street
And lull myself to sleep
And dull my pain
But deep down inside I know
I've got to learn from the greats,
Earn my right to be living
Let my wings of desire
Soar over the night
I need to let them say
"she must have been mad"
And I, I want to get there
I, I want to be one
One who is touched by the sun,
One who is touched by the sun
I've got to learn from the greats,
Earn my right to be living
With every breath that I take, every heartbeat
And I, I want to ge there
I, I want to be one
One who is touched by the sun,
One who is touched by the sun
Carly Simon