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 Queen Ankhesenamun 

Detail found on the lid of a precious chest found in Tutankhamun's tomb. It is inlaid with carved ivory, and stained with very subtle colors; off-white, rose ochre and slate blue. Here Ankhesenamun is offering bundled lotus and papyrus flowers decorated with mandrakes to her husband Tutankhamun (not shown). In ancient Egypt, lotus flowers signified eternal life, papyrus knowledge, and the mandrake was known as the "fruit of love". Ankhesenamun wears a blue wig that flows over her left shoulder and is adorned with gold clasps. Under the wig is a filet of gold with the royal uraeus that protrudes on her forehead. Visible also is an earing that dangles from her hidden left ear. Around her shoulders is a multi-colored pectoral, which would have a counter-poise in the back. Her sheath is semi-transparent, pleated, and covers her upper arms. She also wears a red sash whose ends are crossed at the waist and flow down her sheath. This flowing red sash signified a ruling queen in ancient Egypt. This is a Late Amarna style depiction of Ankhes.

Picture courtesy: Cairo Museum, Egypt


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