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Princess of Amarna Ankh of Life Queen of Destiny

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 Ankhesenpaaten's Genealogy 

 The extended family tree of Ankhesenpaaten is often very confusing and historically problematical. Some familial relationships are known to be factual, while others are suppositions at best. I will offer here these relationships as I understand (and sometimes guess) them to be vis-a-vis Ankhesenpaaten.

Males / Females / m = marriage / non-royal / (Heiress)

Paternal Great Grandparents: Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV and (secondary Wife) Queen Mutemwiya. Their offspring were sons Amenhotep III  and Tuthmosis.

Maternal Great Grandparents: Yuya and Tuya (both non-royal). Yuya has been sometimes characterized as a foreigner because of his unusual name, but I disagree with this. He was nonroyal, but held high religious post and was Commander of the King's horses, chariots, and stables. Tuya apparently was head of Amun's harem in Thebes and head of Min's harem in their home city of Akhmin. It is thought that Tuya was a sister of Queen Mutemwiya, and therefore a decendent of Queen Aahmose-Nefertari, the ancestor of all Tuthmosid Queens. The offspring of Yuya and Tuya were sons Anen and Ay, and a daughter Tiy.

Pharaoh Amenhotep III --m-- Tiy (non-royal)

Paternal Grandparents: Pharaoh Amenhotep III and Queen Tiy. Their offspring were sons.... Tuthmosis (died at an early age) Siatum (?) Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). They had six daughters... Sitamun, Hentymerheb, Hentaneb, Isis, Nebetah, and Bakytaten.

Maternal Grandparents: Ay and (unknown Heiress) + Tey (non-royal). Ay held the same initial position as Yuya and is therefore thought to be the son of Yuya and Tuya and a brother of Tiy. Ay had a first wife (unknown Heiress) and their offspring was a daughter Nefertiti. Ay remarried (Tey) and their offspring was a daughter Mutnodjmet. Tey is known to have been the wetnurse of Nefertiti.

Pharaoh Amenhotep IV --m-- Nefertiti (Heiress)

Parents: Pharaoh Amenhotep IV and Queen Nefertiti. Offspring was six daughters... Merytaten (Heiress), Mekytaten,  Ankhesenpaaten  (Heiress), Neferneferuaten ta-sherit, Neferneferure, and Setepenre.

For a possible genealogy map of the XVIIIth Dynasty  click here 


 Amarna Period Persona Dramatae 

Aakheperure - Possible brother of Amenhotep III.


Ahmose - Royal Steward of Akhenaten.


Akhenaten/Amenhotep IV - Pharaoh from 1353-1335. Known as the "heretic pharaoh" of ancient Egypt. Husband of Nefertiti.


Amenemhat - Brother of Amenhotep III.


Amenemipet - Sister of Amenhotep III.


Amenhotep III - Pharaoh from 1391-1353 B.C.E. Ruled Egypt at the height of her golden age. Husband of Tiy.


Amenhotep-Huy - High official under Amenhotep III. Viceroy of Kush under Tutankhamun.


Anen - Son of Yuya and Tuya. Second prophet of Amun. Sealbearer of the King.


 Ankhesenpaaten/Ankhesenamun  - 3rd daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti. Great Royal Wife of Akhenaten, (possibly SmenkhkaRe), Tutankhamun, and Ay. Last Tuthmosid Queen.


Ankhesenpaaten ta-sherit - Daughter of princess Ankhesenpaaten and (her father?).


Ay - Pharaoh from 1323-1319 B.C.E. The father of Nefertiti and Mutnodjmet.Husband of Tey.


Aziru - King of Amor (Syria) through the reigns of AmenhotepIII, Akhenaten, and Tutankhamun. Secretly allied with Khatti.


Bakytaten - Daughter of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and Queen Tiy.


Bek - Royal Sculptor under Akhenaten. Master of Amarna art.


Burnaburiash - King of Babylon at the time of Tutankhamun.


Djhutmose - Master sculptor at Akhetaten.


Gilukhipa - Daughter of Shuttarna, King of Mitanni. Secondary wife of Amenhotep III. Came to Egypt with an entourage of 317 female attendants.


Hanis - Egyptian envoy between King Suppiluliumas of Khatti and Queen Ankhesenamun.


Hentaneb - Daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiye.


Hentymerheb - Daughter of Amenhotep and Tiye.


Horemheb - Pharaoh from 1319-1307 B.C.E. Husband of Mutnodjmet. General under Tutankhamun.


Huy/Amenophis, Son of Hapu - High official under Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Royal Treasurer of Akhenaten. Managed the estates of Queen Sitamun.


Huya - Major Domo of Queen Tiy.


Isis - Daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiye.


Khay - Royal Scribe of Akhenaten.


Kheruef - (Senaa) Queen Tiy's steward, royal scribe.


Kiya - Secondary wife of Akhenaten. Possibly the mother of Smenkhkare and Tutankhaten.


Mahu - Akhetaten Chief of Police.


Maya - General of the army under Akhenaten. Superintendent of Construction under Tutankhamun. Minister of Finance under Horemheb.


Mekytaten - 2nd daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti. Possibly died in the act of childbirth around her father's 14th regnal year.


Merymery - Royal Scribe under Tutankhamun.


Meryre - Chief Priest of Aten at Akhetaten.


Merytaten - 1st daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti. Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Smenkhkare.


Merytaten ta-sherit - Daughter of princess Merytaten and (her father?).


Mursil II - Son and successor of King Suppiluliumas. Archivist of his father. Brother of Prince Zannanza.


Mutnodjmet - Daughter of Ay and Tey, step-sister of Nefertiti. Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Horemheb.


Nakhtmin - Military officer under Tutankhamun. Thought to be a close relative of Ay.


Nebetah - Daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiye.


Neferkhepru - Mayor of Akhetaten.


Neferneferuaten ta-sherit - 4th daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti.


Neferneferure - 5th daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti.


Nefertiti - Great Royal Wife of Akhenaten. Daughter of Ay and ?.


Panehsi - High Priest and Superintendent of Cattle under Akhenaten.


Parennefer - Royal Butler of Akhenaten.


Pawah - High Priest of the Sun at Heliopolis.


Pentu - Akhenaten's Royal Physician.


Pentu (no relation to above) - Vizier under Tutankhamun.


Ramose - Powerful Vizier under Amenhotep III and Akhenaten.


Ranefer - Akhenaten's chariot driver.


Rib-Addi - King of Byblos during Akhenaten. Assassinated by Aziru.


Siatum - Possible brother of Amenhotep III.


Setepenre - 6th daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti.


Sitamun - Daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiy. Great Royal Wife of her father.


Smenkhkare - Pharaoh from 1335-1333 B.C.E. Husband of Merytaten (and possibly Ankhesenpaaten).


Suppiluliumas - King of Khatti during the reigns of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun.


Tadukhipa - Daughter of Tushratta, King of Mitanni during Amenhotep III and Akhenaten. Married to Amenhotep III and became a secondary wife of Akhenaten. Possibly the Lady Kiya.


Taemwadjsi - Chief of the Harem of Tutankhamun. Wife of Amenhotep-Huy.


Tey - Wife of Ay. Mother of Mutnodjmet. Wetnurse to Nefertiti. She became queen when Ay accended the throne.


Tia - Royal Nurse and Chief of the Household of Ankhesenpaaten/Ankhesenamun.


Tiy - Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III. Possibly the most powerful Queen in Egypt's history. Sister of Ay.


Tiya - Chief of the Household of Queen Tiy.


Tushratta - King of Mitanni during Amenhotep III and Akhenaten. Mitanni was defeated in battle with Khatti, and Tushratta was probably killed by Suppiluliumas.


Tutankhaten/Tutankhamun - Pharaoh from 1333-1323 B.C.E. Husband of Ankhesenamun. Last Tuthmosid Pharaoh.


Tuthmosis - First born son of Amenhotep III and Tiy. Died before he could accend the throne.


Tutu - Royal Chamberlain and Minister of Foreign Affairs under Akhenaten. Suspected of being in league with Suppiluliumas and Aziru.


Tuya - Superintendent of the harems of Amun at Thebes and Min at Akhmin. Mother of Anen, Ay and Tiy.


Usermont - Vizier under Tutankhamun.


Yuti - Chief Sculptor of Queen Tiy.


Yuya - Commander of the King's Horse under Tuthmosis IV. Father of Anen, Ay and Tiy.


Zannanza - Hittite prince. Son of Suppiluliumas. Murdered en route to Egypt to marry Ankhesenamun.


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