Thank You Patrice. He's so cute!
You are special to me
and I thank you for your loving friendship.
Love you! Anita
This was given to me by a very special loving
friend whose friendship means alot to me~~Bev.
Thanks so much Bev and you
truly are "My Forever Friend." Love you!.
July 6,2001
Given to the angels by Patrice
December 24, 2001
Thanks Patrice for this beatiful name/rose
December 27, 2001
Given to me by Lyte & FW
December 24, 2001
The next is an award for being "Angel of the Month" for June 2001 at Cyberville. Me an Angel. Thank you all. Love you!
This award was given to me by a very special lady, an earthly angel, someone I can say it is indeed a pleasure to know her as a true friend, Donna, and I also know her as Breezie. Thank you very much Donna. I love you. You are a very special angel.
August 30, 2001
This was given to me by a very special friend who's been through alot in her lifetime. Thanks, Thunder Woman. I love you!
February 22, 2002