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452nd Bomb Group
Plane Names© Jerry Penry
Several of the planes in this list also served with other bomb groups of the 8th Air Force, since B-17's were often transferred back and forth from different airfields. Not all of these planes wore the 452nd Bomb Group markings, but they were flown by 452nd Bomb Group crews.
Achtung Adolph
Ain’t Miss Behavin’
Ain’t Miss Behavin’ II
Ain’t Miss Behavin’ III
Angel II
Angel Mine
Anony Miss
Avenger II
Avenger III
Bachelor’s Den
Bad Check
Balcony Seat
Bar Fly
Bar Fly’s Revenge
Batson’s Bastards
Belle of Broadway
Berlin Rooster
Big Barn Smell
Big Dick
Big Noise (The)
Big Noise II (The)
Big Time Operator
Borrowed Time
Bouncing Baby
Breaks of the Game
BTO in the ETO
Can Do It
Cap’n Crow
Case Ace (Cat Ass)
C’est La Guerre
Chastain’s Kindergarten
Cloud Chaser
Cock O’ the Walk
Cocktail Siren
Contrail Chaser
Cow Topsy Boogie
Cow Town Boogie
Crater Freighter
Cyanide For Hitler
Da Lood Nood
Da Poiple Boid
Daisy Mae
Daisy June
Delta Girl
De R.I.
Deuces Wild
Dinah Might
Dinah Might II
Dixie Jane
Dog Breath
Dorothy C
Down For Double
Dragon Lady
Dream Gal
Duchess of Fubar
ETO - Balcony Seat
Eastwood Hup
Easy Does It
Edna Sheila
Eight Ball
Evanton Babe
Feather Merchant
Feudin’ Wagon
Final Approach
Flak Happy Pappy
Flak Magic
Flak Shy
Flak Shy Lady
Flatbush Floogie
Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Fruit II
Four Freedoms
Four Winds
Four-Fan Ann
Frivolous Sal
Ghost Bomber
Gin Rickey
Good Pickin’
Grade “A”
Green's Gremlins
Gruesome Crewsome
Gunners Paradise
Hairless Joe
Hank From Dixie
Happy Valley
Hard Way (The)
Hard Way II (The)
Hard To Get
Heaven Can Wait
* Heavenly Body
Heigh Ho Silver
Hel’en Berlin
Hell’s Angels
Hell’s Cargo
Hi Blower
Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Sue
Hot Rock (The)
Ida Wanna
Impatient Virgin
Inside Curve
Iron Bird
Jeanne D’Arc
Jeannie with the
Light Brown Hair
Johnny Reb
Junnie “K”
Karen B
Karen B II
Karen B III
Karen B IV
Karen B V
Kickapoo Joy Juice
Lacka Sacky
Lacka Shacky
Lady Be Gay
Lady Be Good
Lady Be Good II
Lady Dog Breath
Lady Gay
Lady Geraldine
Lady Janet
Lady Jeannette
Lady Moe
Lady Satan
Lady Stardust
Lady Stardust II
Lassie Come Home
Leading Lady
Liberty Belle
Little Chum
Little Colonel
Little Dudette
Little Gismo
Little Miss America
Lonesome Polecat
Lovely Lady
Lucky 13
Lucky Lady
Lucky Lady II
Lucky Lady III
Manchester Misses
Many Happy Returns
Marie Helena
Mary Jane
Mary Jane II
Marjorie Ann
Melancholy Baby
Mi Amigo
Miassis Dragon
Miss America
Miss Anonymous
Miss Behave
Miss It
Miss Me
Miss Minneapolis
Miss Tena
Miss Ohio
Mon Petit Rouge
Mon Tete Rouge
Mon Tete Rouge II
Mystic Maid
My Achin’ Back
My Darling Lee
“N” for Nan
Never Had It So Good
Never Satisfied
* Never Touch It
Now Go!
Not Today Cleo
Oklahoma Wildcat
Our Buddy
Old Glory
Old Outhouse -
Never a Dry Run
Panting Stork
Panting Stork II
Paper Doll
Pappy’s Pride
Passionate Witch
Passionate Witch II
Peg Of My Heart
Perils of Pauline
Pistol Packin’ Mama
Pretty Baby
Pretty Baby II
Princess Pat
Princess Pat II
Princess Pat Ches
Puddin’s Pride
Punched Fowl (The)
Puppy Breath
Purple Shaft
Quivering Queenie
Ragged But Right
Ramblin’ Wreck
Reddy Teddy
Reincarnation (The)
Richter’s Wreckers
Rosalie Ann
Rosalie Ann II
Round Tripper
Rusty Dusty
Sack Time Sioux
Satan’s Sister
Scrappy Jr.
Sea Biscuit
Section Eight
Section Eight II
Section Eight III
Sentimental Journey
Shed House Mouse
Short Snoozer
Short Snorter
Silver Dollar
Silver Shed House
Six Bounders
Sky Hawg
Sky Hog
Sky Queen
Sleepy Time Gal
Slienthe Je Vahr
Slightly Dangerous
Smokey Liz
Smokey Liz II
Snake Eyes
Solid Comfort
Star Eyes
Stars and Stripes
Sue's Headache
Sunrise Serenade
Sweet Adeline
Sweet Eloise
Sweet & Low
Sweet Stuff
Sweet and Slow
Swing Shift Baby
Swing Shift Baby II
Tennessee Cavalier
Tina Tangerine
That’s All Jack
Three Cads and a Lad
Tim Tyler’s Luck
Top Hat
Try’n Getit
Uninvited (The)
Up N Front
Up’N Atm
Utah Gal
Virgin on the Verge
Virgin Wolf
Virginia Wolf
Wacky Woody
War Weary
Westward Ho
Wham Bam
Thank You Ma’m
Whatsup Doc
Why Worry
Why Worry II
Why Worry III
Wild Hare (The)
Windy Lou
Woolf Pack
Worry Bird (The)
You’ve Had It
* Notes: I am aware of at least two 452nd Bomb Group names for planes that had nose art painted on jackets, but these names were never on planes.
Never Touch It - Pilot Bill Gaines and co-pilot Ivan Rich both had artwork on the back of their jackets with the "Never Touch It" name. The name or artwork never made it onto a plane.
Heavenly Body - This name was by Jack B. Sittler who had artwork of a B-17 dropping bombs and the name "Heavenly Body" on his flight jacket. His crew never named a plane, but he wanted to have something on the back of his jacket. *JACKET PHOTO*
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