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Add to the Tab
by Ben Kruger

        There was a man who was eating dinner in an all night café one evening.  He was very hungry and so he eat several helpings until he could eat no more.  And as he got up to pay the check, it suddenly dawned on him that there was no way that he was going to pay for the food that he had eaten.  He remembered that He had never had a job, and he could never hold onto money as hard as he tried to.
        Panicking, he walks head down towards the cashier, head down and fearful.  “Maybe I will give him an IOU,”  he thinks.  “Or maybe I can work my way out of this, and wash dishes and such.”  But he rationalizes in himself.  “I didn’t eat that much.  I’m sure there are people who have eaten more than me and gotten away with not paying for it.”  But as the cashier hands him the check, his eyes widen and his heart nearly fails him.  “I    ate that?  I don’t even remember that!”  He goes over this whole list and realizes that he cannot pay for this, no matter how hard he works.
        But then a kind young man steps in front of him, and, grabbing the check from the fearful man’s hands, he says, “I got this.  Put it on my tab.”  Without a word, the cashier rings it up and writes it up on the man’s tab.  The man who ate so much can’t believe it.  He doesn’t owe anything!  But then suddenly as the man who paid the price is walking out the door, the man who ate so much begins to get greedy.
        “Why don’t you put a few hamburgers in a to-go box for me and put it on his tab,”  He says, as he grabs up a few candy bars and stuffs them into his pocket.  “Why don’t you toss some fries in there too?  Put it on his tab.”
        The man is laughing at himself as he tries to balance the boxes in his right hand as he opens the door with his left and heads out towards his car.  As he turns to walk towards it, he sees the man who paid the price for him, in the middle of the parking lot, giving him a concerned look.

            What do you think that the man who paid the tab should do?

        We are the man who ate too much without figuring we were going to have to pay for it sooner or later. The food is sin.   And Jesus is the man who steps in and says, “Put it on my tab.”  Jesus paid the price for us, and when we think He’s not looking, we try and add to the tab and see what we can get away with.

Jesus did not pay the price for us so we could continue to add to the tab.

        1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
20  For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.